Puerto Rico, the colony, part 2: Puerto Ricans resist

June 4, 2015

Puerto Rico has been selling itself off since the 1990s, when the telephone company was privatized under Gov. Pedro Rosello.…

Mural pays tribute to Malcolm X

June 4, 2015

Activist, visionary muralist and teacher Mario Torero unveiled the renovated Malcolm X Mural at Southcrest Park in San Diego, Calif.,…

U.S. State Department tells Haiti: No money, no elections

June 4, 2015

The Haitian parliament was essentially dissolved months ago when terms for all its members, except 10 senators, ran out. President…

Cops on killing rampage

June 3, 2015

Reign of racist terror Police agencies in the United States are not moderating their brutal and murderous actions against African…

Donbass protests demand justice for victims of U.S.-Ukraine war

June 3, 2015

With sorrow and rage, people in the Donbass region have ripped aside the veil of U.S. diplomatic maneuvering to reveal…

New Yorkers protest assassination of Donbass leader

June 3, 2015

Anti-war, community and solidarity activists gathered at the statute of Latin American liberation hero Simon Bolivar in Central Park May…

DoJ, FIFA and imperialism

June 2, 2015

The sudden, dramatic arrest of nine high-ranking officials of the top worldwide soccer organization and five corporation executives on charges…

From Spain to Canada: Austerity pushes voters leftward

June 2, 2015

Capitalist austerity programs are nothing new to people living in oppressed countries, most of which are former colonies or neocolonies…

In New York and Bay Area with one voice: Free Óscar!

June 2, 2015

Harlem, N.Y. --  The streets of Harlem saw the largest mobilization to date calling for the release of Puerto Rican…

No end in sight to U.S.-coordinated war against Yemen

June 2, 2015

Another Shiite mosque was bombed in Sunni-dominated Saudi Arabia on May 29, as Saudi airstrikes continued against Yemen. The war…