
June 24, 2015

Printed from a June 22 audio commentary posted on A young white man, barely at the age of his…

The atrocity in Charleston: ‘Let this trauma drive the struggle for Black Liberation’

June 24, 2015

When nine defenseless people are killed in a church, it’s not a “shooting,” it’s a massacre. When a 21-year-old white…

No more Dylann Roofs!

June 23, 2015

The senseless and unspeakable massacre of nine Black people, ranging in ages from 26 to 87, in an historic church…

In reaction to racist terror, angry protests erupt across the country

June 23, 2015

Many protests, vigils and marches were held to protest the horrendous massacre of nine Black people in Charleston, S.C., on…

Burning with rage and sadness

June 23, 2015

Below are excerpts from a talk given by Larry Hales at a Workers World Party forum in New York on…

Charleston massacre and the legacy of Denmark Vesey

June 23, 2015

The racist attack on the Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston was a planned and premeditated assault on…

Baltimore events focus on Black women and girls’ lives matter!

June 23, 2015

Baltimore -- On the weekend of June 20-21, a group of primarily Black women, many from the Baltimore People’s Power…

La atrocidad en Charleston: “Que este trauma impulse la lucha por la Liberación Negra’

June 23, 2015

Cuando nueve personas indefensas son asesinadas en una iglesia, eso no es un "tiroteo", es una masacre. Cuando un hombre…

Ecuador debate Ley de Herencias

June 23, 2015

Una vez más la derecha nacional con apoyo internacional arremete contra otro país latinoamericano que busca, como muchos otros en…

Another Black youth lost to racism

June 21, 2015

Another mother has lost her child to the racist, brutal prison system. Kalief Browder, an African American who was only…