Longshore worker local condemns Charleston massacre

June 28, 2015

The following resolution -- submitted by longshore rank-and-file worker veteran Clarence Thomas -- was adopted by the International Longshore and…

U.S. terrorism comes from the right

June 28, 2015

The capitalist media would have the people of this country believe that the main terrorist threat in the United States…

Report from Santo Domingo: How government scapegoats Haitian workers

June 28, 2015

By a foreign resident in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Another human tragedy against the Haitian people is in the making…

Sexual Minorities Archives: ‘Queer Archiving = Queer Activism’

June 28, 2015

For LGBTQ Pride, WW Contributing Editor Minnie Bruce Pratt interviewed longtime anti-racist Transgender activist Ben Power Alwin, curator of the…

Gender bias behind Detroit outrage

June 28, 2015

We are taught, beginning in elementary school, that our rights are protected by the Constitution. Freedom of expression is one…

Yemeni peace talks sabotaged in Geneva

June 28, 2015

After nearly a week of discussions in Geneva, Switzerland, United Nations talks to end the fighting in Yemen have adjourned…

Hondurans, Guatemalans protest capitalist corruption

June 28, 2015

Thousands of demonstrators in Honduras and Guatemala are protesting their respective governments over corruption scandals involving the misappropriation of public…

Haitians in DR threatened with removal

June 28, 2015

Some 500,000 undocumented immigrants in the Dominican Republic were under threat of removal, beginning the middle of June. Some estimates…

Israeli gov’t targets dissident IDF veterans

June 28, 2015

“Cases of abuse toward Palestinians, looting, and destruction of property have been the norm for years, but are still explained…

Huge protests hit British austerity

June 28, 2015

A show of strength by 250,000 protesters challenged the British government’s pro-banker program at an “End Austerity Now!” march and…