Haz que las bombas incendiarias contra Cuba hagan boomerang

October 9, 2023

Ya está fuera de los titulares. Pero su mensaje sigue vigente. Hablamos de los artefactos incendiarios que los terroristas lanzaron…

WWP statement
World solidarity with Palestine

October 8, 2023

The Israeli regime’s murders, seizures of territories, illegal settlements and occupation made a response from the Palestinian people and their…

Palestine: The resistance rises toward revolution, return and liberation

October 7, 2023

The following slightly edited statement was released by the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network on Oct. 7, 2023. As the…

PFLP statement on Al Aqsa Flood battle

October 7, 2023

The following statement was released on Oct. 7. This is the day when the nature of the struggle and the…

‘We are ready to defend the dignity and freedom of our people’

October 7, 2023

The following statement was released on Oct. 7 by the Deputy Head of Hamas, Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri. What started is…

The fight for safe consumption sites is a fight to save lives

October 6, 2023

Philadelphia As the opioid and overdose epidemics worsen, there is a need to embrace radical solutions to save lives. One…

Protests in Germany: ‘Lay Down Your Arms – No to War’

October 6, 2023

The following is from a report in the Oct. 4 German daily newspaper jungewelt.de about antiwar actions in Germany. Translation:…

Danish CP protests U.S.-Denmark pact on bases

October 6, 2023

Workers World received this statement from the Danish Communist Party on Oct. 4. For more than two years, Denmark’s government…

Fanmi Lavalas of Boston protests U.S. role in Haiti

October 5, 2023

Boston Fanmi Lavalas of Boston responded to the deepening humanitarian and political crises in Haiti with a protest at the…