U.S. wars caused refugee crisis

September 8, 2015

U.S. wars, starvation sanctions and planned destabilization are the overwhelming cause of the surge of hundreds of thousands of war…

African-American jobless rate stays high

September 8, 2015

Despite the unemployment figures released Sept. 4, indicating that the rate of joblessness has gone down to 5.1 percent, the…

U.S. veteran disputes anti-Korea stories

September 8, 2015

Tensions on the Korean peninsula escalated in August as the U.S. carried out massive “war games” aimed at the Democratic…

¿Por qué sigue importando la vida de Emmett Till?

September 8, 2015

Editorial, 1º de septiembre Durante el apogeo del Movimiento de Derechos Civiles en el Sur en la década de los…

Por qué la clase dominante estadounidense quiere un acuerdo con Irán

September 8, 2015

Ahora que la temporada de 18 meses de elecciones nacionales burguesas en EUA ha comenzado, no sorprende que un acuerdo…

Police officer charged with killing Black youth

September 7, 2015

A police officer in Portsmouth, Va., has been charged with murder in the deliberate and senseless killing of African-American youth,…

Behind the govt’s ‘rosy’ jobs report

September 7, 2015

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics,” wrote Mark Twain. The U.S. government issued its monthly…

Release Yuvette Henderson’s autopsy report

September 7, 2015

Family and community supporters seeking justice for Yuvette Henderson converged on the Emeryville, Calif., City Council on Sept. 1, demanding…

‘After we pay the rent … the money’s all spent!’

September 7, 2015

Sept. 2 -- More than 200 people from 60 families face eviction from two apartment buildings in Brooklyn's Crown Heights…

Iran deal: Imperialists search for new strategy

September 7, 2015

What made crucial U.S. senators get behind the Iran nuclear deal? The agreement was the product of negotiations between the…