Turkish regime opens fire on Kurds, leftists

September 20, 2015

The Turkish government, as well as admittedly fascist elements, have opened a broad attack on democratic organizations throughout western Turkey.…

U.S.-backed ground war intensifies in Yemen

September 18, 2015

Sept. 7 -- An escalating ground war is taking place for control of Yemen, the most underdeveloped state in the…

Politicians: servants of the wealthy

September 18, 2015

Sept. 15 -- It is impossible to look at the current crop of political presidential aspirants and not be struck…

Report from the Streetz Party in Chicago remembering Black Panther Chairman Fred Hampton

September 18, 2015

Following is a transcription of a talk given by Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. of the Prisoners of Conscience Committee/Black Panther…

Look to the heavens: A visit with communists of the Ghost Brigade

September 18, 2015

By Susann Witt-Stahl Junge Welt, Sept. 12 Ukrainian positions are just 500 meters away. "In the first light of dawn,…

Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds deserve their honors

September 18, 2015

Mike Gimbel was a consultant to two Major League Baseball teams in the 1990s. He developed statistics to measure the…

Stop the war on poor women!

September 17, 2015

A wholesale racist, sexist, anti-worker, anti-poor assault on Planned Parenthood is going on. This is outright warfare against millions of…

People’s victory in Freddie Gray trial

September 17, 2015

Baltimore -- On Sept. 10, a protest called by the People’s Power Assembly demanded justice for Freddie Gray and that the…

Protests hit police-state expo

September 17, 2015

Oakland, Calif. -- Urban Shield, a million-dollar expo for training and sales of military hardware to local police departments, was kicked…

Veolia/Transdev ends all investment in Israel

September 17, 2015

In late August, Transdev, a subsidiary of the giant, France-based, transnational corporation Veolia, sold its final 5 percent stake in…