Citibank hit for funding genocide

Protesters rallied outside the world headquarters of Citibank in New York City on June 13 as part of a global week of action against the bank for its support of Israel’s genocide against the people of Gaza. Citibank and its parent Citigroup are the financial backbone of the Israeli apartheid system and the funders of multi-billion-dollar weapons transfers between the U.S. Department of Defense and the Israeli Occupation Forces. 

The protest was organized by the Palestinian Assembly for Liberation-Awda NY/NJ. Throughout the week, the group urged people to close their accounts at Citibank and cancel their Citi credit cards. 

PAL-Awda noted that in 2021, Citi loaned the Israeli occupation regime $2.5 billion to buy 25 new F35 fighter jets – and that the U.S. government is currently repaying that loan. The group’s organizers said: “Those planes now rain death on families living in tents in Gaza. They destroy homes, hospitals, schools, mosques and churches.”  

 – Report and photo by Brenda Ryan

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