No to bigotry! Workers World hails Pride month

For over half a century, Workers World newspaper has covered global struggles to end all forms of discrimination, persecution and violence, including against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersexual, asexual, two-spirit and gender-nonconforming communities.  

Philadelphia, March 16, 2024. WW Photo: Joe Piette

In recent months, youth, including LGBTQIA2S+ activists, have demonstrated strong solidarity with the besieged Palestinian people in Gaza. Encampments have sprung up at U.S. universities to demand an immediate end to U.S.-armed Israel’s horrific bombing of Gaza, which has killed 35,000 people, a majority women and children.

This June, during Pride month, we particularly support our LGBTQIA+ siblings in Gaza, who are among those targeted by the Israeli state — killed, wounded, tortured and imprisoned — and in the occupied West Bank, currently under siege by Zionist settlers and Israel’s Occupation Forces. 

WW articles express our unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people and their resistance movements. Our staff and writers offer our sympathy to everyone who has lost loved ones.   

Turning to the U.S., our newspaper has extensively covered the hostile, bigoted anti-LGBTQIA2S+ legislative campaign sweeping the U.S., targeting, in particular, trans youth, aiming to deny them needed health care and participation in sports. WW articles have also upheld the struggles for reproductive justice, voting and civil rights, teaching about historic people’s movements which have resisted racism and all oppressions — and opposed racist, homophobic book bans. 

WW has backed up our activist coverage and analysis with publication of “The Gay Question: A Marxist Appraisal,” later reissued in “The Roots of Lesbian and Gay Oppression: A Marxist View.” Our paper ran the “Lavender & Red” series by WW managing editor and renowned trans leader Leslie Feinberg; 25 articles are included in “Rainbow Solidarity in Defense of Cuba.” Read both books at

WW reporters on the ground — from Buffalo, New York, to Portland, Oregon,— write about the groundswell of worker organizing that has won union victories against corporate behemoths and sparked more organizing. This historic upsurge was fueled by the leadership and solidarity of young, multinational, queer, gender-nonconforming workers.

We cheer them on!

WW needs your support! 

This pro-worker newspaper depends on its readers’ backing. The Workers World Supporter Program was launched 47 years ago to help us publish this socialist newspaper, and later fund, where new articles are posted daily and the weekly newspaper’s PDF is displayed for all readers. contains news and analyses of global and U.S. struggles, bulletins from national liberation movements, and articles by political activists and analysts abroad translated by our staff. Our writer/organizers report on anti-capitalist struggles, union drives and people’s movements against war and racism and for the rights of women, workers, migrants, LGBTQIA2S+ and disabled people. The website is a resource for political activists.  

While WW’s staff is voluntary, the 12 printed issues each year and the website incur expenses. Although many online publications require payments to read their articles, WW does not. Our articles are free to all readers.

Join the WW Supporter Program: Can you donate $50, $100, $200 a year? Contributions of $50 or more will entitle you to receive 12 print issues a year, email links to all articles posted online and, upon request, the book “What road to socialism?”

Your donations help get class truth to more readers — and are appreciated. Write monthly or annual checks to Workers World; include your name, address and email. Send to Workers World, 121 West 27th St., Suite 404, New York, NY 10001.

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