Help build a Workers World!

If you’re sick, sick, sick of endless wars, bombings and drones, and oppose the U.S. invasion of Iraq and Syria,

If you are in solidarity with the dynamic Black Lives Matter struggle in the forefront of fighting police terror and structural racism,

If you detest the bankers and bosses making the workers pay for the economic crisis they didn’t create,

If you know from reading WW that
capitalism is at a dead end,

If you want to fight for a better way of life based on economic planning and the equitable distribution of wealth the workers create,

If you’re lucky enough to still have a job,

Then put some of your hard-earned dollars in Workers World and help us put out one of the only remaining progressive weeklies in the U.S. that’s still printed as well as on the Web. We plan to keep issuing a printed edition to hand it out to people on demonstrations, picket lines and street corners.

For the past 38 years, WW subscribers have helped maintain the paper by joining the WW Supporter Program. We invite you to sign up today!

Please join the Workers World Supporter Program and make a regular donation, no matter how modest. Go to or send checks to Workers World, 147 W. 24th St., 2nd floor, New York, NY 10011, with your name and address; write “For WWSP.”

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