Workers World honors Black History Month, every day!

Since its inception, Workers World newspaper has highlighted the Black Liberation struggle and Civil Rights Movement and has celebrated their heroes from Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner to Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

WW covers struggles to free political prisoners Mumia Au-Jamal and Imam Jamil Al-Amin. Our paper honors trailblazing Black women, including Ella Baker, Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Marsha P. Johnson and Ida B. Wells.

This year we strongly condemn the Trump administration’s directive to federal agencies to axe celebrations of holidays that commemorate important events in the history of the Black Liberation Movement — Black History Month, Juneteenth and Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Underneath this decree is blatant racism, actually white supremacy, which has existed since August 1619 when the first group of kidnapped, enslaved African people arrived in the U.S. 

The decree aims to erase the history of the role of enslaved Black people, deny them equal rights and the respect they deserve and obliterate the struggles they have waged to win every right and gain for their community. Trump’s dictates are meant to denigrate and reverse the gains made by Black people both prior to and during the historic Civil Rights Movement and erase the holidays which this movement won and are celebrated countrywide. 

The promises of the Reconstruction Era did not end racism, discrimination and anti-Black violence. The revolution to ensure democratic rights is still unfinished. As the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass said: “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” 

Join the WW Supporter Program 

This pro-worker, anti-imperialist newspaper relies on our readers’ backing. The WW Supporter Program was founded 48 years ago to help produce this pro-socialist newspaper and since the early 1990s has supported, where new articles are posted daily and the weekly paper’s PDF is displayed.

The website contains timely news and analyses of global and U.S. struggles and posts bulletins from the Palestinian resistance and other national liberation movements, as well as articles translated by our staff. Mundo Obrero publishes articles in Spanish.

Our writer-organizers report on anti-capitalist, antiwar and anti-imperialist struggles and promote people’s movements against racism — and for the rights of Black, Latine, Indigenous, Arab and Asian peoples and women, workers, migrants, disabled and LGBTQIA2S+ people. is a resource for political activists. 

While WW’s staff members and writers are volunteers, the 12 issues printed and shipped each year and the website and social media sites incur expenses. Although many online publications require payment to read their articles, WW does not. Our articles are free to all readers. 

Can you donate $50, $100 or $200 per year? Contributing $50 or more entitles you to receive 12 print issues a year, five emails per week with links to articles posted online and, upon request, a copy of the book “What road to socialism?”

Your donations help get class truth to more readers including prisoners — and are appreciated. Write monthly or annual checks to “Workers World,” and put “Supporter Program” on the memo line.” Include your name, address and email. Mail to Workers World, 121 W. 27th St., Suite 404, New York, NY 10001.

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