Rally at Stonewall National Monument against trans erasure

At the Stonewall National Monument, New York City, Feb. 14, 2025. Renée Andrea Imperato, wearing glasses.
On February 13, President Donald Trump issued an edict that all references to transgender people must be erased at the Stonewall National Monument in New York City. The monument is right next to the Stonewall Inn, which is where the Stonewall Rebellion occurred in June 1969.
This order is the ultimate insult, considering that the rebellion was led by transgender people of color, including Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, Miss Major, Stormé Delarverie and others in the LGBTQIA2S+ community.
Within hours of hearing of Trump’s order, around midnight, a rally was called for 12 noon on the next day, Feb. 14. In an astounding development, considering the short notice, an overflow crowd of over 500 people filled Sheridan Square Park near Stonewall.
There were many speakers, including this writer, who spoke as a Workers World Party representative and as the chairperson of the Advisory Council of SAGE Advocacy & Services for LGBTQ+ Elders.
All of the speakers relayed their outrage at this fascistic attack on the transgender community, which Trump, Musk and their junta seek to erase. The assembled speakers and crowd demonstrated forcefully that such erasure will never ever happen — that transgender people have been on this planet for millennia.
The Stonewall Inn, which is not part of the national monument but is a historic landmark, issued a statement denouncing this disgusting, arrogant, reactionary regime and the efforts to intimidate the trans community, its supporters and members of the entire LGBTQIA2S+ community.
While there were some moderate Democratic Party politicians who spoke, many other speakers spoke militantly, saying that we have to do whatever is necessary — beyond what the Democrats have failed to do. The Democrats have, essentially, thrown transgender people under the bus.
The overflow crowd lingered for hours after the rally was over to continue our presence.
Many activities will be planned in response to Trump’s fascist attacks on so many communities. People of color, immigrants, women, seniors, government workers, people on Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security, veterans, people with disabilities, along with the LGBTQIA2S+ community, will answer these attacks with resounding militancy.
Black trans lives matter!
Protect trans youth!
Stonewall means fight back!