New York City action defends Syria from U.S.-Israeli occupation
New York
If the Israeli settler-colonialist and U.S. imperialist leaders believe that the recent setback in Syria has crushed the Axis of Resistance to Zionism, the protest Dec. 15 in Manhattan’s Union Square in New York City countered that claim.

Union Square protest, in New York City, Dec. 15, 2024. WW photo: Toni Arenstein
The Bronx Anti-War Coalition (BAWC) called the protest. In its Dec. 5 call to action, the BAWC stated, “The U.S./CIA regime change war that began in 2011 aimed to destabilize Syria, and now the focus is on destroying the Axis of Resistance and its ability to fight back. By targeting Syria, they hope to dismantle the infrastructure and alliances that sustain Resistance forces like Hezbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, paving the way for Zionist and imperialist expansion.”
People at the protest chanted: “Say it loud, say it clear. We don’t want Zionism here!” and “Free, Free Palestine from the river to the sea!”
Larry Holmes, first secretary of Workers World Party, addressed the demonstrators, saying: “The settler regime is in its last days. If they think, if the imperialists think that they have crushed the resistance, the Axis of Resistance, they are in for a very painful awakening. That resistance is going to grow stronger.
“There is an important ally of the resistance — the people of the world – everywhere and on every continent. The Palestinian resistance depends on us to be strong in the belly of the beast. Fight those who try to shut down the students and their encampments. Fight those who fire people who put pro-Palestinian stuff on their social media. Fight the social media who try to eliminate pro-Palestinian posts. Make our movement stronger in 2025, so we can play our role in liberating Palestine, from the river to the sea.”
The protesters marched to Washington Square Park where they held a wrap-up rally. An activist with BAWC told the crowd: “We need to unite. To rise above sectarianism. Rise above religious differences. Our fingers will be pointed towards the U.S. government and the Zionist entity.”