Russian Revolution Nov. 7, 1917 − impact on 20th century

Editor note to readers: November 7 is the anniversary of the first revolution that established working-class power in an entire country. It maintained that power for 73 years and affected world history throughout the 20th century. This is taken up in the first article linked here, which is based on a report by Deirdre Griswold to the Workers World Party national conference in 2015. (

: Meeting of Bolshevik sailors at the Kronstadt base near St. Petersburg, Russia, before the 1917 revolution


The second article describes the development of that revolution from the summer of 1917 to the workers’ seizure of power in November, based on a chapter in “Turn the Guns Around: Mutinies, Soldier Revolts and Revolutions,” by John Catalinotto. (

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