Videos available for historic event: China at 75

“China at 75, Changes Unseen in a Century,” was a day-long program organized in both London and New York, held on Sept. 28 and 29, respectively. The event celebrated the achievements of the People’s Republic of China and countered the hybrid war propaganda about China put out by Western corporate media.

It was organized by Friends of Socialist China and hosted in the United States by Workers World Party, bringing together several organizations on the left, who, despite many differences, united on their support for China. The New York program was held at the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center.

Talks from the New York event are now available on YouTube. There are five videos, one for each panel of speakers.

Here is the link to the first panel: Opening Session: messages and greetings

Here is the link to the second panel:  Exposing Imperialist Propaganda

Here is the link to the third Panel: Impact of the New Cold War

Here is a link to the Fourth Panel: China and the Global South:

Here is a link to the Fifth Panel: The Hybrid War on China:

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