Palestinian Resistance pays tribute to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

Representatives of united Palestinian resistance organizations.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command

The statement below from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command was posted on Resistance News Network on Sept. 28, 2024.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command mourns the martyr of Palestine and its holy city, the martyr of the Arab and Islamic nations, the martyr of the battle of liberation and the gateway to freedom, and the maker of the coming victory, the great historical leader and great mujahid: His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Hezbollah.

Whoever reads the meaning of the martyrdom of leaders, and in particular the martyrdom of the great historical leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah, in the most honorable and holiest battles of freedom, as he led the battle to liberate Palestine: The meanings of this martyrdom are in the heart of the battle of destiny, and know for sure that the beginning of a new era has begun and will open deep paths in changing the equation of the conflict with the zionist entity. Every person of insight also realizes that it is one of the major signs of the demise of the usurping entity.

We in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command feel the magnitude of the bitter and harsh loss with the martyrdom of the leader of the Axis of Resistance and the symbol of its pride, dignity, loftiness and will that is unbreakable and will never be broken. From our deep knowledge of Hezbollah, its history and its factors of strength, we affirm with absolute confidence that Hezbollah — which previously presented its former Secretary-General, His Eminence Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi, as a martyr and today bids farewell to His Eminence the historical leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, as a martyr — is a cohesive and solid institutional ideological party capable of overcoming this historic turning point in a way that ensures strengthening its capabilities and advancement. It will continue with all its might its jihadist role in the battle of sovereignty and freedom and defending the honor of the nation and its holiest sanctities in Jerusalem and Palestine.

We pledge to Hezbollah and the masses of the resistance that we will remain, from a position of partnership in blood, destiny and victory, the twins of jihad and principle and steadfastness in the covenant of resistance until the liberation of Palestine, from its sea to its river, and together until the liberation of the land and the people.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 

This statement was posted on Resistance News Network by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Political Bureau on Sept. 28.

The banner of resistance will not be broken, and the martyrdom of the Master of Resistance marks the beginning of a new phase of greater strength and determination to continue on the same path.

The Popular Front mourns the Master of Resistance, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, and a group of Hezbollah’s brave leaders, martyrs on the path to Al-Quds [Jerusalem].

In the name of its Secretary-General, his deputy, its Political Bureau, Central Committee, and all its cadres and members at home and in the diaspora, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourns to our people, the nation, the Axis of Resistance, and the liberation movement, the leader of the resistance, the master of martyrs, and the inspiration of an entire generation, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah “Abu Hadi,” the Secretary-General of Lebanese Hezbollah, and a group of heroic leaders of the resistance who were martyred in a cowardly zionist assassination in the southern suburb of Beirut, coordinated and planned with the criminal American enemy.

The Front expresses its deep solidarity with the brothers in Hezbollah — leadership, cadres, and fighters — and the Lebanese people, and the Axis of Resistance, in this great and significant loss. We send them a clear message: Your wound is our wound, the blood of your leaders is our blood, and the martyrdom of the Master of Resistance, Hassan Nasrallah, represents the beginning of a new phase of resistance, more powerful and determined to continue on the same path.

‘A symbol of Arab and revolutionary resistance worldwide’

Palestine, Lebanon, the entire nation, and indeed the global liberation movement have lost an exceptional leader and a symbol of Arab and revolutionary resistance worldwide. The great martyr was a unique leadership figure in every sense of the word, enjoying a high stature in the struggle against occupation and the American enemy. He was distinguished by his steadfast positions supporting the rights of Arab peoples, foremost among them the Palestinian cause. He was characterized by rare courage in facing threats and by political acumen that enabled him to anticipate regional and international developments, making him capable of dealing with the most complex challenges that faced the resistance, whether militarily or politically. He had clear fingerprints on the victories achieved by the resistance in Lebanon, foremost among them the July victory and the expulsion of the zionist occupation from southern Lebanon in 2000. (;

The great martyr dedicated his life to serving the cause of resistance, sacrificing the precious and dear, most notably the loss of his eldest son, Hadi, who was martyred in a heroic battle against the occupation, setting an exemplary model in sacrifice and loyalty to the cause.

The impact of martyr Nasrallah was not limited to the Lebanese arena alone but transcended borders to become a symbol of resistance throughout the region and a pivotal leader in supporting Palestinian resistance factions, providing them with all the logistical support, military training and weapons they needed. His historic decision to support the resistance in Gaza during the Al-Aqsa Flood battle had a great impact in enhancing the capabilities of the Palestinian resistance. 

Since the founding of Hezbollah, the Palestinian cause was strongly present in its doctrine, and the martyr always emphasized that the liberation of Al-Quds is a legal and moral duty. Through his role in developing the party’s arsenal of advanced rockets and weapons, he managed to create a balance of horror with the zionist entity, contributing to protecting Lebanon from repeated attacks.

The Master of Resistance departed to join his fellow martyrs, never abandoning his position in the front lines, resisting until the last moment. While we today feel the bitterness of loss, we stand tall in facing this enemy who thought that targeting the leaders of the resistance, foremost among them the great martyr Hassan Nasrallah and his fellow leaders, would break the will of the resistance.

The martyrdom of the Master of Resistance represents a grave loss, but it will not weaken the resolve of the resistance nor diminish its determination; on the contrary, the ranks of the resistance in Lebanon and everywhere will increase in insistence on continuing the confrontation with this tyrannical enemy who understands only the language of force. The blood of these martyrs will form new fuel for the fire of resistance, which will not die down until the liberation of Palestine and all occupied Arab lands.

We pledge to the martyr leader and all the free resistance fighters that the response to this zionist crime will be commensurate with the crime itself. The resistance continues, stronger and more united on all fronts of support like one body, armed with the will of the peoples and their rallying around the legitimate option of resistance in defending our occupied lands and our dignity until achieving victory over this usurping zionist entity and its allies and agents in the region.

Glory and eternity to the soul of the martyr leader and the martyr leaders, and we will certainly be victorious.

Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades: (PFLP)

This statement was issued by Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, on Sept. 28.

With great pride and honor, the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, exalts the martyrdom of the Master of Resistance and its martyrs, the great leader and Secretary-General of Hezbollah, the martyr Hassan Nasrallah.

He and his comrades were targeted by treacherous zionist missiles in a cowardly airstrike on Beirut’s southern suburb by zionist aircraft, after having fulfilled his duty of struggle and resistance for the Lebanese and Palestinian people and the Arab nation in defending Lebanon, Palestine and the oppressed in the face of the ongoing zionist aggression against our nation.

This treacherous targeting of the Master of Resistance, his fellow leaders and our people in Lebanon will not weaken our resolve. Despite the devastating loss and the great pain of losing the Master of two victories and resistance, this tragedy will only increase our determination and steadfastness to continue on the path of the martyrs, fighting until the last drop of blood for the liberation of all our Palestinian national soil, the restoration of all our people’s usurped rights, and the liberation of the occupied Arab lands in Lebanon and Syria, avenging the blood of our martyrs and leaders.

In these historical and decisive moments, we affirm that the cowardly and treacherous strikes of this enemy have not and will not kill us. Instead, they will make us stronger, more resolute and more determined to continue on the same path until it is defeated. The enemy is delusional if it believes that our fortifications have collapsed, for our fortifications remain strong with the determination and steadfastness of our people and our resistance.

We, the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, extend our greetings to the Lebanese people and to our comrades and brothers in blood, struggle and shared destiny — Hezbollah’s leadership, cadres and fighters. We salute the souls of those who illuminated the path to freedom and independence with their blood, on the honorable path to Al-Quds. We salute the hands still holding fast to the trigger until freedom is achieved and the occupation is defeated.

Our pledge is an eternal revenge that will never fade.  

Glory to the martyrs, freedom to the prisoners and recovery to the wounded.  

Tomorrow, the fog will clear from the hills … and we will certainly be victorious.


This speech by Deputy Chairman of Hamas Khalil Hayya, mourning the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, was given on Sept. 28, 2024, and was posted on Resistance News Network.

Today we mourn a great man and leader who lived his life as a fighter and resister; until he met his Lord as a martyr in his den he did not leave it despite the cruelty of the aggression. Today we mourn the dear brother and fighter leader, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah.

We mourn His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and his fighter brothers who ascended with him to the heights in the treacherous and cowardly zionist attack that targeted the southern suburbs of Beirut yesterday, confirming the extent of their terrorism and their transgression of all laws and humanitarian principles in Palestine and the region.

The assassination of the great fighter brother Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and his brothers from the Party leaders by the zionist occupation is a complete terrorist act, a violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty and an expansion of the circle of its aggression, and the occupation bears responsibility for it and its repercussions.

The zionist occupation will not succeed in breaking the will of the valiant resistance, but it will be the title of a stage of stages of sacred revenge for all the bleeding blood.

Today the blood of the martyr leader Hassan Nasrallah mixes with the blood of the martyr leader Haniyeh and the blood of the martyr leader Saleh Al-Arouri, may Allah have mercy on them all, and the blood of tens of thousands of martyrs from Palestine and Lebanon and the blood of the martyrs of the nation in the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood on the path to liberating Al-Quds and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

‘A life full of sacrifice and resistance’

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was martyred after a life full of sacrifice and resistance in which his son and loved ones were martyred, and he never weakened but rather continued to work in all fields in defense of the dignity and sovereignty of this nation, at the heart of which is Al-Quds and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, until he achieved what the free and honorable people wish for with his martyrdom on the path of thorns.

The martyr Hassan Nasrallah left behind him strong men who will carry the banner after him, completing the march towards Al-Quds and continuing their participation in the Al-Aqsa Flood and supporting Gaza in its battle.

We have experienced our brothers in Hezbollah and are confident in their ability to quickly organize their ranks and continue on the same path that His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah followed, and the zionist enemy will not succeed in creating any vacuum in its leadership institutions.

The resistance today, as it offers its leaders and commanders as martyrs, will never be defeated, God willing, but rather this blood increases its strength, steadfastness, and unwavering determination to follow in the footsteps of the leaders.

Hamas, Hezbollah and all the resistance forces in Palestine, Lebanon and the region will continue on the path of jihad and resistance, confident in the inevitability of victory, God willing, and realizing that this occupation, even if it is arrogant, will inevitably disappear, with the will of Allah and His power.

This statement was lightly edited.

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

This statement by the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine was posted on Resistance News Network on Sept. 28.

As we bid farewell to a leader unparalleled among leaders, 

As we bid farewell to a fighter who brought glory and pride to the resistance,  

As we bid farewell to a struggler who made struggle the essence of his life,  

As we bid farewell to one of the great leaders of liberation and resistance movements in the world,

The martyr, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Hezbollah, who ascended alongside a constellation of his martyred comrades in a terrorist act by the zionist killing machine, backed by the United States.

The Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine offers its sincere condolences to our Palestinian people, who, with the martyrdom of the great leader His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, lost one of its most significant partners in the struggle. We also offer our deepest condolences to the Lebanese people, who, with the martyrdom of His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, lost a national leader who secured Lebanon’s distinguished position on the global map, always keen on its freedom, independence, sovereignty and national dignity.

The Political Bureau extends its sincere condolences to the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, which has become one of the world’s leading resistance movements against the evil embodied in colonialism, zionism and American savagery.

We offer our deepest condolences to Hezbollah’s leadership, fighters and strugglers, who have built for Lebanon a legacy of struggle, making it one of the pillars of steadfastness in our region. Our heartfelt condolences also go to the esteemed family of the great martyr, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. We recognize the deep pain his loss has inflicted upon them, as it has pained us, our people and all honorable people on this earth.

To Hezbollah, our partner in the trench of resistance, and to the brotherly people of Lebanon, we say:  

The assassination of the martyred leader, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and his honorable comrades is more than a crime that can be merely condemned. It is a cowardly act intended by the zionist enemy, along with the United States, to further its open war against our Palestinian people and the brotherly Lebanese people, mistakenly believing that the enormity of the loss will overpower the will of the fighters and the determination to remain steadfast. Let this great martyrdom be a moment in which we test our will and readiness for further open confrontation with the enemy, and let his martyrdom be a new incentive to move forward toward victory.  

Glory to our great martyr and his fellow martyred leaders.  

Glory to the resistance.  

Glory to the homeland.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

The following statement by the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the military wing of the Fatah Movement, was posted on Resistance News Network on Sept. 28.

The leadership of Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades extends its deepest condolences to our dear brothers in Hezbollah, comrades in arms in the battle to defend Al-Aqsa, to the dear Lebanese people and to the masses of our Arab and Islamic nation on the martyrdom of the Secretary General of Hezbollah, the great militant leader, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

He ascended as a martyr along with several of his brothers in a criminal assassination operation carried out by the zionist enemy in the southern suburbs of Beirut, resulting in dozens of martyrs and wounded.

Today, we in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades bid farewell to a militant leader who topped the list of those wanted by the zionist entity. During his leadership, he transformed Hezbollah in Lebanon into a more powerful and formidable force. His leadership also significantly strengthened the relationship with the Palestinian resistance, foremost among them the Al-Aqsa’ Brigades. Throughout, he never hesitated to provide all necessary support, backing and expertise to our resistance.

The martyred leader Hassan Nasrallah is remembered for his historic stance in standing by our Palestinian people in the battles for freedom and dignity, defending Al-Aqsa and the sanctities, and his firm rejection of halting the support front for Gaza despite the heavy sacrifices made by Lebanon and the Islamic resistance, including fighters and leaders. This culminated in him offering his life in sacrifice for Al-Aqsa, his blood mixing with the blood of the martyrs of Palestine and its glorious leaders, in the greatest image of unity, solidarity, and brotherhood in arms on the path to liberating Al-Quds.

We have full confidence that Hezbollah will overcome this great loss, and capable leaders will succeed the martyr, continuing the path he charted with his blood and the blood of his brothers. The terrorist leadership of the enemy, which is currently in a temporary state of euphoria and intensifying its criminal actions, will soon realize that it is marching towards its near demise at the hands of the fighters and militants from our nation, by Allah’s will.

It is a revolution until victory.

Palestinian Factions (National and Islamic Forces)

The following statement was issued by the Palestinian Factions (National and Islamic Forces) and posted on Resistance News Network.  

The Palestinian resistance factions mourn for the Arab and Islamic nations and the free people of the world, the fighter and Secretary-General of Hezbollah, the martyrs by Allah’s permission: Hassan Nasrallah and his fellow leaders. We extend our condolences and congratulations to ourselves, Hezbollah, the Lebanese and Palestinian peoples, the Arab and Islamic nations and all the free people of the world for the assassination of the martyred leader Hassan Nasrallah at the hands of the nazi zionist terrorism and criminality machine in a treacherous and cowardly crime that confirms the brutality and criminality of the occupation.


The martyred leader Hassan Nasrallah ascended to his Lord as a martyr, and his blood mixed with the blood of the resistance martyrs in Palestine and all the battlefronts on the path to Al-Quds, in the most honorable and pure battle witnessed in modern times, the blessed Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood. He was a man who led the resistance against the occupation for decades and affirmed at every stage his commitment to Palestine and Al-Quds and that his preparations and equipping have always borne fruit in confronting the zionist occupation, the American administration, and their supporters, for the sake of Palestine.

With the assassination of the martyr Hassan Nasrallah, the nation has lost an exceptional, resilient and determined resistance figure, but his assassination will not weaken the Lebanese resistance and the support fronts. We are certain that his blood will be a curse upon the occupation and its supporters and a light that illuminates the path for the fighters toward Al-Quds and Palestine, just as all the previous leading martyrs who passed on steadfastly in the battles defending Palestine.

We affirm that the occupation will pay the price for its terrorist crimes, its genocide and its aggression against Palestine, Lebanon and all Arab and Islamic lands. The leaders of the occupation will see that the martyrdom of the leaders will make the resistance strike the occupation with greater force than before their martyrdom, and the battle will continue until the liberation of Palestine and all Arab and Islamic lands. Resistance is an idea and a message in every free person, and it does not end with the martyrdom of leaders. The resistance will, by Allah’s will, inflict a defeat on the enemy that they will never forget.

In conclusion, we call on our proud resistance in all arenas and fronts to escalate the resistance and target the zionist entity and its interests in revenge for the blood of our righteous martyrs and the pure leaders of the resistance and in defiance and confrontation of the genocide against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples and against our Arab and Islamic nation.

Saraya Al-Quds

The statement below, from Saraya Al-Quds, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, was posted on Sept. 28 on Resistance News Network.  

Saraya Al-Quds mourns the master of Resistance in Lebanon, His Eminence, the martyr Hassan Nasrallah.

The leadership and members of Saraya Al-Quds, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, extend their highest expressions of congratulations and blessings to the Arab and Islamic nations on the ascension of one of the most prominent leaders of the Axis of Resistance, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, the honorable Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and his fellow martyrs.

As we in Saraya Al-Quds mourn this great leader, who has joined his immortal martyred comrades who wrote history with their blood, following a life full of victories culminating in the battle of support and heroism in defense of Gaza during the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, we congratulate him (may Allah have mercy on him), his family, the brotherly and resistant Lebanese people, our brothers in the leadership and fighters of Hezbollah and all the supporting forces in the Axis of Resistance for this great martyrdom of his soul and the souls of his fellow leaders and fighters, following the treacherous zionist airstrike on the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, on the evening of Friday, Sept. 27, 2024, corresponding to 24 Rabi’ al-Awwal 1446 AH.

Our message to you, our brothers in Hezbollah: from the heart of Palestine and from the battlefields and confrontations, we affirm that the enemy has committed a foolish act without considering its consequences. We have full confidence in you, and by Allah’s will, we will witness your might and jihad. We will remain loyal to Al-Quds, to Palestine, to the blood of our struggling Palestinian people and to all the great martyrs who walk the path to Al-Quds.

Indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.

Revolutionary Path Movement 

This statement by the Palestinian Revolutionary Path Movement was issued Sept. 28 and posted on Resistance News Network.

Our peoples and the free people of the world will continue on the path of Jerusalem until the return and the liberation of Palestine — from the river to the sea.

The  Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement and all its cadres and organizations offer their warmest and most sincere condolences and congratulations to the Lebanese people and the brothers and sisters in the leadership of Hezbollah on the martyrdom of the Arab, Islamic and international leader, the exceptional teacher and great historical mujahid, the son of Palestine and Lebanon, His Eminence, the Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who ascended as a martyr to the highest heavens and eternity after a treacherous Zionist raid that targeted him with U.S. weapons in the southern suburb of the Lebanese capital Beirut. 

The movement also extends to the party’s mujahideen, the revolutionaries holding on to their weapons and their compass and the family of the martyred leader its most sincere pledge to continue the struggle and revolution until the return and liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.

His Eminence the Martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, in his behavior, life and positions, as well as in his struggle and martyrdom, emphasized the values ​​of loyalty to Palestine and its people. He died as a martyr, a leader and a teacher. Our peoples and future generations will never forget his brilliantly distinguished life and his support for our people in Palestine and all the oppressed peoples in our region and the world. He continued to emphasize, through position, decision and action his conviction in the inevitability of the victory of the peoples of our nation against the forces of injustice and aggression, foremost among them U.S. imperialism, the Zionist entity and their agents in the region.

We in the Revolutionary Path Movement are fully confident that Hezbollah, whose foundations were built and founded by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, his martyred and wounded comrades and its solid revolutionary popular incubator will continue on its jihadist path and follow the Sayyed’s approach. This historic station and the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa will constitute a distinctive historical landmark in the path of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon as it confidently marches on the path of Jerusalem and victory.

We will remain loyal to the approach of the martyred leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Death to the enemies and the racist Zionist entity!

Victory to the resistance!

Palestinian Mujahideen Movement, Central Media

On Sept. 28 the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement, Central Media issued the statement below, posted on Resistance News Network.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

“And do not consider those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead; rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.”

With great expressions of jihad and resistance, and with great pride and honor, the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement mourns the martyr, the great Islamic leader and fighter, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of Lebanese Hezbollah, who ascended as a martyr on the path to Al-Quds along with a group of his fighter comrades in a cowardly zionist assassination that targeted the southern suburb of Beirut yesterday, Friday.

As we extend our deepest condolences to the brothers in Hezbollah, the Lebanese people, the nation and all supporters of the resistance, we affirm our solidarity and stand beside the fighting brothers in Lebanese Hezbollah and the brotherly Lebanese people on this great loss. We also emphasize that the ascension of the great jihadist figures from Hezbollah, led by the Secretary-General, in the battle to defend Al-Quds and support the steadfast Palestinian people alongside their brothers — the martyrs of Palestine — and all the fighters of the nation and the Axis of Resistance, reinforces the meanings of unity in the nation and confirms the correctness of the path and the unity of path and destiny.

As we highly value the great sacrifices offered by the fighters of Hezbollah and its honorable leadership, and we commend their genuine and steadfast position in supporting our people, we affirm that the zionist assassination policy will not weaken the resolve of the fighters nor break the will of the resistance in the nation nor restore the prestige and deterrence of the zionist enemy.

The cowardly crimes committed by the cowardly zionist enemy, and the frenzy it is experiencing, reflect the state of failure and impotence it has been afflicted with in the face of the steadfastness and jihad of our resistance and the valiant support fronts, which will continue to escalate, bringing disappointment after disappointment, by the will of Allah.

We fully affirm our confidence that the cowardly zionist enemy will receive the punishment for what its hands have committed and its audacity in these brutal crimes and all its ongoing crimes against our people, the brotherly Lebanese people and the rest of our nation. The punishment will fit the crime. We also confirm that the blood of the martyrs of our people and our nation will craft the glorious victory and will hasten the downfall of the usurping zionist entity from the body of our nation, by the will of Allah.

 Mujahideen Brigades

The statement below was issued by the Mujahideen Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement, on Sept. 28 and posted on Resistance News Network.

With further submission to Allah’s will and destiny, and with the highest meanings of challenge, pride and dignity and on the path of the righteous martyrs, the Mujahideen Brigades mourn the great Islamic Mujahid leader, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, who was martyred with a group of his fellow fighters as a result of a treacherous zionist assassination operation in the southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon.

As we bid farewell to the great martyr leader, “His Eminence the Martyr Sayyed Abu Hadi,” we lose a great jihadist figure who devoted his life to resisting the zionist enemy and supporting Palestine and its noble people. We also remember his sacrifices and his great role in the path of resistance and its development in Lebanon and the region. We also remember his firm, honorable and supportive stance towards the Palestinian people in Gaza — who are being subjected to the most heinous massacres of genocide — and his absolute refusal to abandon supporting Palestine and its noble resistance in Gaza.

We affirm that the cowardly zionist enemy will pay a heavy price for its ongoing crimes and will not be able, through its assassination of the symbols and leaders of the nation and our Palestinian people, to extinguish the burning flame of resistance or break the will and determination of our nation’s resistance fighters and free people.

We also affirm that the crimes of the cowardly zionist enemy and the sacrifices of our people and the fighters of our nation, which have been combined today in our battle against the criminal zionist enemy on the path to liberating Al-Aqsa Mosque, will only increase our determination to adhere to the path of resistance until the zionist occupation is swept away and its Nazi army is destroyed.

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