Oppose FBI attack on Black organization

Support for the Uhuru 3 is gaining momentum as their trial in the face of repressive charges begins on Sept. 3 in St. Petersburg, Florida. The three are Omali Yeshiteli, Chair of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP); Penny Hess, Chair of the African Peoples Solidarity Committee; and Jesse Nevel, Chair of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement. They are charged with being agents of a foreign government ” because of the Uhuru Movement’s over 50 years of work to advocate for the liberation and unification of Africa and forcibly displaced African people.” (handsoffuhuru.org)

San Diego, California. Credit: The Burning Spear

A solidarity rally was held in St. Petersburg on Aug. 31, bringing forth solidarity statements from 28 organizations. Supporters intend to pack the court starting on Sept. 3 and have a strong legal team opposing the federal government’s forces of repression.

Two years ago, the police and FBI raided the APSP and the Uhuru Movement homes and living quarters in St. Louis, Missouri, and St. Petersburg, Florida. APSP Chairman Omali Yeshiteli and his partner were handcuffed by the cops. They were both charged with “spreading Russian propaganda” because of their opposition to the U.S.-backed war against Russia by a pro-NATO regime in the Ukraine.  

And the Uhuru Movement’s support for Palestine against the U.S.-backed Israeli genocidal war in Gaza and its support for massive reparations for African peoples have certainly fueled the wrath of the ruling class.

The African People’s Socialist Party and the Uhuru Movement and its many supporters, including Workers World Party, point to the most basic right to freedom of speech for the working class in its defense against the absurd government charges. Drop the charges against the Uhuru 3!  Defend the right to freedom of speech!

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