Oct. 1, 2024, will mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, when Mao Zedong declared that “the Chinese people have stood up.”  The group Friends of Socialist China is initiating two Assemblies of Peace and Solidarity in London on Saturday, Sept. 28, and in New York City on Sunday, Sept. 29, to mark this historic occasion.

These events will highlight the extraordinary achievements of Chinese socialism over the past 75 years and bring people together to counter the rising tide of anti-China propaganda and the U.S.-led new Cold War. Discussions will include issues, such as the ongoing processes of poverty alleviation and modernisation; China’s role in the struggle against climate catastrophe; China’s contribution to Marxist thought; the significance of the recent meeting of all the Palestinian organizations in China; and more.

The London event is jointly organized by Friends of Socialist China and the Communist Party of Britain, with participation from many other groups and will take place on Sept. 28 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at Bolívar Hall, London W1T

5DL. Details and registration link will follow soon.

The New York City event is being jointly organized by Friends of Socialist China and Workers World Party in coordination with Black Agenda Report, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Qiao Collective and the International Manifesto Group. It will take place on Sept. 29 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center, on West 165th Street and Broadway in Harlem, New York. 

The New York City program will include four panels in a mass Assembly for Peace and Solidarity. Guests can attend in-person (seating is limited) or virtually. Registration required for online and in-person participation via Eventbrite: bit.ly/PRC75

The New York City program is honored to include international guests from countries targeted by U.S. imperialism. Confirmed speakers include:  Gerald Horne, author and historian, journalist; Danny Haiphong, Co-editor of Friends of Socialist China; Margaret Kimberly, Executive Editor of Black Agenda Report; Larry Holmes, First Secretary, Workers World Party and Mick Kelly, Political Secretary, Freedom Road Socialist Organization.  

The program also includes: Lee Siu Hin, Director of China / U.S. Solidarity Network; Omowale Clay, International Secretariat of the December 12th Movement; Ken Hammond, Party for Socialism and Liberation, author of multiple books on China; Radhika Desai, Coordinator of International Manifesto Group; Michael Wong, Vice President, Veterans For Peace and VFP China Working Group; KJ Noh, journalist, analyst of the geopolitics of the Asia-Pacific region; Sara Flounders,  International Action Center and Friends of Socialist China; and Dee Knight, author and peace activist.

 Representatives will also participate from the Qiao Collective; U.S. Peace Council; Black Alliance for Peace; Communist Party USA International Department; Struggle / La Lucha; and Iskra Publishers.

Workers World Party

Published by
Workers World Party

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