On the 76th anniversary of the Nakba: Palestinian ‘sacrifices will not be in vain’

The following statement was issued on May 15, 2024, by the Media Office for the Popular Resistance Committees on Resistance News Network:

On the 76th anniversary of the Nakba and the uprooting of our people from our land due to Zionist terrorism, massacres and atrocities, our people remain deeply rooted and steadfast in their land and homeland, defending their holy sites, and the temporary Zionist entity is closer to collapse and disintegration.

The battle and epic of the Al-Aqsa Flood marked the end of Zionist arrogance, and the myth of the invincible Zionist army was shattered. All the illusions and myths that the Zionist entity and its Western allies tried to instill in the minds of the nation and the world were crushed.

Over the course of 76 years of Zionist criminality and terrorism, with the United States as the head of evil and terror and its Western allies pulling the strings, this enemy has failed to defeat our people or subjugate them. Instead, our people have grown only more steadfast and stronger, determined to liberate their land and reclaim their rights, despite the heavy prices and sacrifices they continue to make.

Our great and noble people, along with their brave, steadfast and heroic resistance, will continue to stand firm and uphold the indispensable choice of confrontation. They will not be deterred by massacres, slaughters or the genocidal Zionist-U.S. war from continuing their resistance. 

Their sacrifices will not be in vain; rather, they will result in the downfall of the Zionist project and the disappearance of its colonial entity, which has become despised in every corner of the world.

On the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, we salute our great and patient people wherever they are and call for further rallying around the genuine path of resistance, the only path to liberation and return. We urge the escalation of resistance actions in all forms and means, striking the criminal enemy wherever and whenever possible.

We extend our greetings and appreciation to all the free people of the world, to the members of our nation, and to the revolutionary university students worldwide who continue to show their solidarity with our people and resistance in rejection of the genocidal war being perpetrated by the Nazi Zionist enemy in the Gaza Strip. 

We call on them to continue their activities, marches and sit-ins to stop this criminal aggression which is unprecedented in history.

We salute and bless the fighting and struggling arms that strike the Zionist enemy day and night in a great heroic epic that history will record with ink of light in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq and Syria, and to all fronts of popular and resistance action that are fulfilling their duty in supporting our people and their resistance and rejecting the war of genocide being committed against them.

This statement is lightly edited.


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