On the centennial of Lenin’s passing
International Assembly Against Imperialism in Solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance

Workers World Party invites you to an International Assembly Against Imperialism in Solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance on Sunday, Jan. 21, 2024, the 100th anniversary of the death of V.I. Lenin. The Assembly will be held in person at the Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center, 3940 Broadway, at West 165th St, Washington Heights, New York City.

Join us with representatives of the Palestinian resistance and of many liberation and workers’ struggles.

At this moment, with millions of people in every corner of the world taking to the streets to protest the genocidal war against Gaza, we will commemorate the centennial of Lenin’s death by devoting this occasion to showing solidarity with Palestine and all movements for liberation from imperialist domination. We can no longer allow any issue to separate and atomize workers fighting on the many fronts in the global working-class struggle.

The Assembly will address the urgent question of how to raise the level of solidarity with Palestine within the working class and the workers’ movement. A number of U.S. labor unions have issued statements calling for a cease-fire. That’s a good start, but much more can be done and must be done.

One of Lenin’s many contributions to revolutionary struggle was his tireless effort to lead the international working-class movement toward maximizing concrete solidarity with all of the anti-colonial liberation struggles. This direction exemplifies the essence of Leninism — it has never been more relevant and necessary.

Please join us on January 21. If you can’t attend in person, register to attend the assembly virtually at

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