Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine ‘U.S. is the head of the snake’

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued the following statement on Dec. 9, 2023, published on Revolutionary News Network.

United leadership of the Palestinian resistance, 2023.

The United States’s repeated use of the veto power against a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire in the Gaza Strip was expected; this major colony, with a history filled with crimes of cleansing, massacres, and genocide against the Indigenous population of Native Americans, is actually and relentlessly leading a genocide war against our people in Gaza.

This veto gives more green light for the occupation to continue its aggression, massacres, and genocide and destruction of everything Palestinian, revealing again that the U.S. is the head of the snake and the most evil and criminal in the world.

This veto contradicts the position of the peoples; including public opinion in the United States, which once again exposes its ugly criminal face to the whole world and to U.S. generations that are beginning to realize more about the Zionist crimes committed in occupied Palestine in full partnership with successive administrations of the United States.

Striking U.S. bases and interests everywhere, and the expulsion of the occupation forces from the region, must remain a primary goal for our people, the resistance movements, and all the free people in the world, for this language is what this criminal imperialist colony, hostile to the peoples and specifically to our Palestinian people, understands.

This statement was lightly edited. 

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (guest)

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Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (guest)

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