Categories: Workers World Party

Solidarity with Palestine! Support Workers World!

The world watches in horror as Israel rains thousands of U.S.-supplied bombs on Gaza, home to 2.3 million Palestinians. We  write critically of the Zionist state’s  military aggression, occupation and racism. Our paper is partisan, siding with the besieged Palestinian people – those who struggle to survive, those who resist, those who face state and Zionist settler violence and those who are imprisoned – for justly demanding their rights, land and freedom,

Significantly, WW articles reveal the complicity of the U.S. government which staunchly backs the Israeli state –  and funds its military $3.8 billion a year, while supplying powerful weapons used to maintain its rule and suppress righteous resistance – and bomb Gaza. Our paper refutes the corporate media’s lies, distortions and bigotry. If you want to read the truth about Israel and share our solidarity with the Palestinian people, Workers World is the newspaper for you.

Demonstration on Oct. 8, 2023, in Philadelphia, organized by the Philadelphia Palestine Coalition,  which Workers World is a member of. WW PHOTO: JOE PIETTE

WW needs your help!

If you appreciate our coverage, it’s time to join the Workers World Supporter Program. WW depends on its readers’ backing. The program was established 46 years ago so readers could help WW publish anti-racist, working-class truth, and build campaigns needed to fight against capitalism and for revolutionary change leading to socialism.

Since the early 1990s, the fund has sponsored, where news and analysis of global and domestic issues and struggles are posted continually. The website is a resource for political activists. It contains first-hand accounts by writer-activists in many countries, translated by our staff. Timely articles written by organizers keep the newspaper current on union drives and workers’ strikes, as well as anti-war, anti-imperialist, anti-racist, women’s, LGBTQ2S+ and other progressive movements.

While WW’s staff members are volunteers, the 12 issues printed and shipped each year and the website incur expenses. Although many online publications require payments to read their articles, WW does not. Our articles are free to all readers.

Join the WW Supporter Program!

Can you donate $50, $100, $200 a year or more? Donating $50 or more will entitle you to receive 12 print issues a year, email links to articles posted online and, upon request, a copy of the book “What Road to Socialism?” (Download WW books at

By donating to this fund, you can help get class truth to more readers. Write checks, either monthly or annually, to Workers World. Include your name, address and email; write “Supporter Program” on the memo line. Mail to Workers World, 121 West 27th St., Suite 404, New York, NY 10001.

We appreciate your help in building Workers World.


Workers World Party

Published by
Workers World Party

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