Categories: Middle East

Statement from intellectuals from the Arab world

The following is a statement of intellectuals from the Arab world condemning the brutal Zionist aggression on Gaza. The statement was translated from Arabic. 

At this crucial moment when the Zionist entity is waging a war of extermination against our people in the Gaza Strip under the pretext of terrorism that has been fooling no one, we, intellectuals of the Arab world, who signed this statement, declare our unlimited support for the people of Gaza in their legitimate resistance, and our unlimited condemnation of the Zionist entity in its brutal and barbaric aggression against innocent lives.

Supporting Palestinian uprising. New York, Oct. 9, 2023. (WW Photo: Sue Harris)

The Zionist entity, which hates innocence and kills children, hates the truth, kills journalists, hates nature and sweeps away olive trees, culminates in this escalation a long march of violations, which were not limited to rejecting all U.N. resolutions, expanding the settlement cancer, restricting and arresting Palestinians in the West Bank and the interior, attacking Islamic and Christian holy sites, fueling violence in the hearts of settlers and arming them, besieging the Gaza Strip and starving its people, and even exceeding all of that to reach its final goal of systematic ethnic cleansing.

Until the blatant lie on which the Zionist project was based is realized, Palestine will become “a land without a people for a people without a land,” and externally through the passage of normalization projects aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause and stripping the Arabs of their dignity.

For 75 years, the occupying Zionist entity has left no moral value without violating it, no civilized principle without violating it, and no human sanctity without trampling on it with the shoes of its soldiers stained with the blood of innocents. This time, however, [the Zionist state] decided to go further in [its] tyranny, taking advantage of the world’s complicity and bias, and wanted [its] brutal massacre against the people of Gaza to be broadcast live without the slightest shame or consideration for what was left of the world’s conscience. If human history has become accustomed to giving a voice to the executioner and a voice to the victim, the Zionist entity — which has known since its inception only the theft of the rights of others — was quick to rob both voices to be at the same time the shooter of the bullet in reality and the recipient of the lie.

As we sign this statement, we address it to our people in Gaza in particular and in Palestine in general, saluting their legendary steadfastness and struggle in defense of their historical right to their land, and their courageous civilized stand against the vanguards of colonialism, fascism and racism. In this position, we do not declare anything new when we preserve for them their natural right to resist their occupier, a right guaranteed to them by every law, approved by every law and assured by every custom.

We also appeal to the entire Arab nation, governments, organizations, peoples and individuals, to appeal to them to play their historic role in supporting their Palestinian brothers against this blatant aggression and to assist them in all possible moral and material ways. Recalling the need not to be distracted and not to cool down until the heavy cloud of death is lifted from our people in Gaza.

Then we turn to the free people of humanity throughout the world, especially those who have tasted the bitterness of colonialism, racism and the cruelty of the policies of extermination and occupation everywhere. At this moment, we urgently need to unite in the face of this manifest injustice and to stand as an impregnable barrier between the colonizer’s tank and its victim. If the oppressors have called for one nation, then nothing less than their victims should also unite as one nation against them.

In particular, we salute the supporters of the cause around the world, foremost among them the few people of conscience in the West who, with their free and courageous voices, were able to obstruct even a little bit the Western machine of lies and falsifications that shocked us as we see it burning in a few days the principles and values accumulated by the West over long centuries in order to support Zionist propaganda.

In the past few days, we have seen numbers of Western politicians, intellectuals and media professionals scrambling to their eternal shame, and we have seen how the autumn of nature seems to be just a faint shadow of the real autumn, the autumn of the claims of democracy, freedom and human rights trampled by the feet of these ruggers in the direction of pushing the Zionist entity to commit its next massacres to the fullest.

In this part of the world, we are the ones who yearn for peace the most. But as much as we yearn for it, we know very well that there can be no peace without freedom, no peace without justice, and no peace without truth. Days have proven that this Zionist entity is hostile to freedom, justice and truth.

** This statement was hastily made in response to the critical situation in Gaza. We could not have been slow to expand the list of signatories while the usurping entity exploits every minute to bomb the Gaza Strip and deprives it of its human right to water, food and electricity. We ask all the advocates of that right to sign this statement with us.

The statement was signed by over 2,000 academics, artists, composers, critics, journalists, film directors, novelists, performers, poets, professors, researchers, screenwriters, thinkers, writers and others. For full list and to sign on in your own language:

Suad Al-Sabah, poet

Ibrahim Nasrallah, poet and novelist

Wael Hallaq, thinker

Qasim Haddad, poet

Ibrahim Al-Koni, novelist

Mohammad Reda Nasrallah, writer and journalist

Mohammed Abu Rumman, writer and former Jordanian minister

Ibrahim Abdel Majeed, novelist

Buthaina Al-Issa, novelist

Mohamed Bennis, poet

Saif Al Rahbi, poet

Wasini Laaraj, Algerian novelist

Shawky Bazie, poet and writer

Khaled Al-Rowaishan, writer and former Yemeni Minister of Culture

Jawdat Fakhr al-Din, poet

Bilal Fadl, screenwriter

Ahmed Abdel Muti Hijazi, poet

Taher Riad, poet

Abdelkhaleq Abdullah, writer and politician

Marcel Khalife, composer

Jaber Al-Harami, Writer and Editor-in-Chief of Al-Sharq newspaper

Mokhtar Issa, Deputy of the Egyptian Writers Union

Najm Abdul Karim, Journalist

Bader Al-Issa, former Minister of Education in Kuwait

Rawda El Hajj, poet

Saud Al-Sanousi, novelist

Jokha Al-Harthy, novelist

Hassan Awrid, writer and politician

Fahmi Jadaan, thinker

Fathi Al-Meskini, thinker

Abdelilah Belkeziz, thinker

Abdul Latif Laabi, poet

Fawzia Abu Khaled, poet

Mohamed Berrada, novelist

Ahmed Al-Mulla, poet

Muhammad al-Ash’ari, novelist

Tawfiq Ahmed, Vice President of the Arab Writers Union.

Hamour Ziada, novelist

Muhammad Khudair, storyteller and novelist

Kazem Al-Hajjaj, poet

Ahmed Bakhit, poet

Youssef Abdelaziz, poet

Nader Kazim, Researcher

  1. Ibrahim Al-Saafin, writer and university professor

Samiha Khreis, novelist

Dakhil al-Khalifa, poet

Hajji Jaber, novelist and publisher

Abdel Moneim Ramadan, poet

Abdullah Ibrahim, thinker and critic

Zahi Wehbe, poet and journalist

Basma Ensour, former Jordanian Minister of Culture

Ali Badr, novelist

Ajwad Majbel, poet

Ibrahim Farghali, novelist

Tayeb Bouazza, thinker

Najwa Barakat, Writer

Ahmed Saadawi, novelist

Yassin Adnan, writer and journalist

Fakhri Saleh, critic, writer and translator

Sinan Anton, novelist and poet

Burhan Ghalioun, thinker

Faisal Salman, journalist and writer

Khaled Al-Hroub, writer and academic

Tariq Imam, Writer

Dawood Hussain, artist

Nazih Abu Afash, poet

Zuhair Abu Shayeb, poet

Hizam Habayeb, novelist

Amin Saleh, Adeeb

Aref al-Saadi, poet and advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister for cultural affairs

Khalid Al Sheikh, composer and singer

Abdul-Jabbar Al-Rifai, thinker

Hassan Najmi, poet, author and journalist

Muhammad Ali Al-Rabawi, poet

Mohamed Haddad, composer

Iskandar Habash, writer

Saud Al-Mawla, writer and translator

Jamal Mohammed Fakhro, intellectual

Abdullah Habib, Writer

Waheed Al Khan, composer

Abdul-Jabbar Al-Ghadban, Visual Artist

Zahraa Al Mansour, critic

Batoul Hamid, poet

Abdullah Janahi, Writer

Abdel-Gawad Ofir, poet and journalist

Muhammad Ali Makled, political researcher and writer

Salman Zainuddin, critic and poet

Maryam Al-Bassam, Journalist

Samar Yazbek, novelist and writer

Hanan Farfour, poet

Fadia Bazzi, journalist and writer

Khairat Al-Zein, visual artist

Tariq Nasser El-Din, poet

Murdoch al-Shami, poet

Hassan Madan, Writer

Sari Hanafi, writer and academic

Abbas Youssef, Visual Artist

Mustafa al-Numan, former ambassador

Hussein Al-Jaffal, storyteller and journalist

Hilda Al-Hiyari, visual artist

Abdullah Al-Safar, poet

Sayed Mahmoud, poet and journalist

Abbas Hilal, Lawyer

Khalid Al Hashemi, Visual Artist

Khaled Al-Ruwaiei, theater director

Abdellatif Warari, writer and poet

Mohamed Abdel Bari, poet

Youssef Abu Luz, poet

Azmi Abdel Wahab, poet and managing editor of Al-Ahram Al-Arabi

Dareen Salam, film director

Omar Abdel Ghaffar, researcher and translator

Bilal Masri, poet and playwright

Kinan Abu Afash, Musician

Radhia Toumi, writer and academic

Bushra Khalfan, Writer

Ibrahim Abu Hashhash, university professor and poet

Abdul Qadir Al-Husni, poet

Mohsen Jassim Al-Moussawi, critic, researcher and academic

Ashour Al-Tuwaibi, poet

Amin Al-Rabie, poet

Khazal al-Majidi, researcher and poet

Jamal al-Jaqa, architect and painter

Qusay al-Labadi, poet

Nabil Abdel Karim, storyteller

Ammar Ahmed Hamed, film critic

Zulekha Abu Risha, poet

Taleb Rifai, novelist

Taha Adnan, poet

Amer Badran, poet

Ali Al Ameri, poet and painter

Jihad Al Ameri, painter

Ghalia Benali, composer and singer

Tarek Youssef, Academic

Samir Al-Qudah, poet

Murad al-Qadri, poet

Nour Al-Mousli, poet

Jumana Mustafa, poet

Ahmed Abu Touq, publisher

Amira Badawi, storyteller

Mohammed Al Ameri, writer and illustrator

Ramadan Rawashdeh, novelist

Khaled Khreis, Visual Artist

Mohammed Al-Jalous, Visual Artist

Sonia Twal, visual artist

Ahmed Al-Shahawi, poet

Louay Abdel-Ilah, novelist

Hadba Al Ali, Journalist

Ibrahim Younis Al-Battoush, writer

Nidal Amyouni Daccache, University Professor

Munira Nabwani, writer

Anis al, Rafei Writer Waqas

Ruba Abu Ghaida is a poet and writer

Mohammed Amer Al-Mardini, Writer

Adnan Azzouz, Writer

Radwan Qassem, poet

Rami Bedaiwi, Journalist

Nahla Sousou, writer and journalist

Ali Al-Shuaibi, Researcher

Basil Sioufi director

Wafaa Al-Ali, Journalist

Mohammed Amer Al-Mardini, Writer

Wafaa Al-Ali, Journalist

Alia Al-Masri, poet

Nawal Al-Hiwar, Journalist

Bassel Abdel Aal, poet

Hassan Abdel Hamid, Writer

Batoul Hamid, poet

Zahida Darwish Jabbour, University Professor

Khalid Al-Fadhli, Writer

Hassan Hamid, novelist

Jamal Wakim, researcher and political analyst

Tayser Idris, artist

Miloud Khezzar, writer

Hoda Fakhr El-Din, Writer

Ahmed Mallah, poet

Samer Abu Hawash, poet

Diaa Haidar, Journalist

Fadi Joudeh, poet and translator

Akl Al-Awit, poet and writer

Saqr Abu Fakhr, poet and writer

Susan Abulhawa, novelist

Mohamed Bitari, writer and translator

Makram Ghsoub, poet

Youssef Rakha, novelist

Jinan Al-Khalil, visual artist

Lina Kreidieh, novelist

Mohammed al-Jadidi, writer

Saber Al-Absi, poet

Mohammed Alhadi Omari, Writer

Nader Al-Hamami, writer

Jamal Jelassi, translator and poet

Sharif Hassan Boughazil, poet

Adel Maizi, poet

Sunia Ferjani, poet

Khaled Bouzid, Dramatist

Lotfi Chebbi, poet

Mona Habrass Selimieh, critic

Dalaa al-Mufti, novelist

Hussein Al-Jaffal, storyteller and journalist

Buthaina Al-Ibrahim, Translator

Pierre Abi Saab, journalist

Mustafa Gholman, poet

Mohammed Khamasi, translator

Saad Sarhan, poet

Osama Abu Taleb, President of the Academy of Arts in Cairo

Ahmed Swailem, Chairman of the Poetry Committee of the Supreme Council of Culture

Samir Hosni, former ambassador to the League of Arab States

Jamal al-Qassas, poet

Rashid Ghoulam, artist and composer.

Faleh Al-Hajri, writer and journalist.

Saadia Mufarreh, poet and critic

Ghassan Othman, writer and researcher

Hoda Attia, writer.

Mohamed Ait Hanna, writer and translator

Mahmoud Gomaa, poet.

Noureddine Afaya, writer and researcher.

Osama Al-Beheiri, President of the Western Writers Union

Muhammad al-Matarqi, writer.

Marwa Magdy, poet.

Mohamed Makled, researcher and writer.

Abdel-Gawad Ofero, poet and journalist.

Fadia Bazzi, writer.

Faisal Salman, journalist and writer.

Suad Suleiman, novelist

Rimal Nehme, novelist

Mahmoud Wahba, poet

Ibrahim Shahrour, poet

Ahmed Nazzal, poet and writer

Darine Houmani, poet and writer

Muhammad Nasir al-Din, poet and writer

Hassan Al-Zein, writer and journalist

Lorca Spitty, poet and journalist

Abdel-Gawad Ofir, poet and journalist

Muhammad Ali Makled, political researcher and writer

Salman Zainuddin, critic and poet

Nasouh Zaghloula, Photographer

Ronnie Malley, musician

Najm Abdul Karim, Journalist

Huda Al-Dakhil, editor and cultural activist

Bashar Al Sayegh – Writer and Journalist

Saud Rashid Al-Enezi, writer and journalist

Hamoud Al-Shayji, poet and novelist

Iman Humaidan, novelist

Youssef Al-Balam, critic and professor of Arabic language

Abdullah Al-Busais, novelist and publisher

Bashayer al-Askar, writer

Mashael Al-Faisal, Visual Artist

Abdelwahab Suleiman, translator and writer

Sarah Al Mukeimi, writer and novelist

Aisha Al Abdullah, poet

Awatef Muhareb al-Salman, writer

Mohammed Al-Faily, constitutional expert

Ibrahim Dashti, Writer

Hussain Dixon, visual artist

Jamila Juma, storyteller

Nassar Al Nassar, theater director

Ramadan they lost, director

Hoda Ashkanani, poet

Khaled Nasrallah, novelist and publisher

Reham Nael Al-Naqib, writer and assistant professor of political science

Noura Boughith, storyteller

Mishari Obaid, novelist and writer

Ali Ashour, Professor of Arabic Literature

Abdul Wahab Sayed Al-Rifai, novelist

Mohammad Ashkanani, Writer

Sulaiman Al-Bassam, playwright

Essam Al-Kazemi, theater artist

Abdulrahman Eldin, Broadcaster

Nabil Al-Failakawi, President of the Media and Artists Syndicate

Taher al-Baghli, human rights activist

Sajid Abdali, Author and Publisher

Suleiman Al-Askari, writer and former editor-in-chief of Al-Arabi magazine

Faleh Ben Hajari, journalist and writer

Dawood Hussain, artist

Hassan Alissa, writer

Ahmed Abdullah Al-Sarraf, Writer

Amer Verdun, poet and writer

Nouria El Roumi, Professor of Arabic Literature

Abbas Al-Haddad, Professor of Arabic Literature

Bader Warrior, Theater and Director

Hamza Mustafa, writer and director of Syria TV

Mohammed Al-Dalal, writer

Tarek Asrawi, poet and storyteller

Ali Mahmoud Khaja, Journalist

Ahlam Hassan, artist

Hassan Abu Haniyeh, writer and researcher

Eman Al-Musallam, visual artist

Muhammad F. Al-Salem, poet and translator

Abdul Wahab Al Awadhi – Visual Artist

Jaafar Rajab – novelist and writer

Afrah Fahad Al-Henal, storyteller and writer

Bassima Al Wazzan, Children’s Literature Writer

Hussain Al Mutawa, poet and novelist

Mubarak Rabie, novelist

Nabil Suleiman, novelist

Bassima Al-Enezi, storyteller and writer

Abdulhadi Jameel, storyteller

Latifa Butti, children’s writer and publisher

Khawla Al-Qazwini – Writer

Batoul Khamis, Researcher

Mai El Saad, Visual Artist

Manaf Al-Hajri, writer and economist

Istabraq Ahmed, storyteller

Mashael Al-Hajri, Professor of Law

Ibtihal al-Khatib, human rights activist and academic

Mohammed Al-Attabi, poet and publisher

Hussein Al Mahroos, photographer and writer

Khaled Lotfi, publisher and Kotobi

Waheed Taweelah, writer

Yazan El Hajj, writer and translator

Ali Wajih, poet

Taghreed Al-Qudsi, author

Dalaa al-Mufti, writer and novelist

Ihab al-Qaisi, publisher

Areen Jaradat, writer

Mohammed Qaitoun, publisher

Radwan Hariri, writer and owner of a publishing house

Fatima Anwar Al Lawati, Writer

Hassan Yaghi, Publisher

Saif Salmawi, publisher

Mohamed Rabie, novelist and publisher

Ahmed Osama, cultural worker

Mohamed Ibrahim, poet

Ahmed Awni, novelist and publisher

Mohamed Fathy, writer and academic

Nada El Shabrawy, Poet and Content Creator

Mohamed Shadi, Physician and Content Creator

Khaled Suleiman Al-Nasiri, Palestinian publisher

Rana Idris, Publisher

Ali Abdel Moneim, publisher

Abderrahmane Adriano, Documentary Photographer

Shahd al-Rawi, novelist and translator

Nahla Karam, novelist

Mohammed Gatea Hammoud, visual artist

Zubair Faris, Graphic Designer

Muhammad al-Ash’ari, novelist

Flowers of Karam, critic and novelist

Shoaib Halifi, Writer

Yasser al-Atrash, poet and journalist

Hani Awad, Writer and Managing Editor of Omran Magazine

Ali Al-Bazzaz, visual artist

Maan Faisal Al-Qaisi, Director of Al-Bayariq Publishing and Distribution House and Library

Ali Hamid Zughair, Director of Dar ACAD

Ahmed Salam Khalil, Publisher, Body Publications

Bahaa Hamza Abbas, Dar Al-Fayhaa for Printing and Publishing

Omar Abdul Majeed Al-Hamad, Publisher, Dar Watar for Publishing and Distribution

Safaa Al-Zubaidi, Kotobi, Al-Nahda Library

Nabil Hayawi, Baghdad Legal Library

Hashem Raad Nowruz, Publisher, Dar Al-Qari

Abderrazak Belakrouz, Writer

Iyad Hassan Jassim, Publisher, Texts Publications

Amjad Yassin Al-Naseer, Publisher, Dar Ahwar for Publishing and Distribution

Hassan Hashem Hussein, Kutbi, Arab Renaissance Library

Ali Abdul Redha Awad, Publisher, Director of Dar Al-Furat for Culture and Media

Suleiman Al Maamari, writer and journalist

Nevin Tohamy, Publisher

Hisham Fahmy, translator

Samar Amin Dowidar, Oral History Researcher, founder of Palestinian Hekayat Family Archives

Islam Wahban, Founder of Wahban Library Group, and Head of Cultural Department of I’

Mohammed Al Baali, Publisher

Abdullah Baabood, Researcher

Mohamed Khairy, Librarian of Al-Balad

Baraa Hassan El Shafei, poet and bookseller

Abdul Ghani Mohammed, publisher

Anwar Al-Hawari, journalist

Emad Abu Ghazi, University Professor

Haitham Haj Ali, University Professor

Yara Masri, Translator

Sarah Nims

Mokhtar Issa, poet and vice president of the Egyptian Writers Union

Hassan Aed, Visual Artist

Wadah Mahdi, Visual Artist

Hamdan Tahed, poet

Ahmed Sheikh Ali, poet

Shteiwi Al-Ghaithi, poet

Mohammed al-Hourani, president of the Arab Writers Union in Syria, researcher.

Tawfiq Ahmed, poet and journalist, vice president of the Arab Writers Union in Syria.

Jaber Salman, poet.

Farouk Eslim, academic and critic.

Astronomy exclusive – novelist.

Jihad Bakflouni – poet.

Mounir Khalaf – poet.

Riad Tabra, storyteller.

Al-Arqam Al-Zoubi, researcher.

Anissa Abboud, novelist and storyteller.

Ahmed Youssef Daoud, novelist and poet.

Nizar Brik Henedy, poet and critic.

Eid al-Darwish, writer and researcher.

Helena Atallah, poet.

Suleiman al-Salman, poet.

Imad Naddaf, storyteller and journalist.

Ibrahim Zaarour, academic and researcher.

Abdullah al-Shaher, critic and writer.

Ahmed Ali Mohamed, critic and academic.

Ayman al-Hassan, storyteller and novelist.

Mohammed al-Hafari, playwright and writer.

Samir al-Matrood, playwright and storyteller

Faiza Al-Daoud, storyteller and novelist

Mohamed El Taher, storyteller and novelist.

Linda Ibrahim, poet

Omaima Ibrahim, Writer

Qahtan Bayrakdar, poet

Jihad al-Ahmadiyya, poet and translator

Said Al Maghribi, musical artist

Hossam Khaddour, Sur translator

Yahya Al Hammadi, poet

Zine El Abidine Al Dhubaibi, poet

Khalil Haddad, Plastic

Mesbah al-Mahdi, poet

Najah Ibrahim, novelist

Muhammad Hassan Al-Ali, poet

Jawdat Ibrahim, critic

Taleb Hammash, poet

Badi’ al-Suqour, poet

Ghassan Wannous, novelist

Nora Rashad, Publisher

Dina Kabil, journalist and publisher

Fatima Boudi, Publisher

Abdullah Mohammed, bookseller Waqas

Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud, Publisher

Ahmed Zakaria, Translator

Nazmi Jubeh, historian

Abdullah Othman, Publisher

Omrieh Soltani, Translator

Mohamed Fawzi, Writer

Khaled Khreis, Visual Artist

Abdelkarim Jouiti, novelist

Faisal Jalloul, Researcher

Fadel Thamer, critic and former president of the Writers Union

Yassin Al-Naseer, critic

Abdullah Ibrahim, critic

Haidar Saeed, writer and critic

Abdelzahra Zaki, poet and writer

Ahmed Abdel Hussein, poet and editor-in-chief of Al-Sabah newspaper

Jawad Al-Asadi, director and playwright

Aziz Khion, Dramatist

Ali Al-Fawaz, poet and president of the Union of Writers and Writers in Iraq

Omar Al-Saray, poet Secretary General of the Union of Writers

Jabbar Judi, playwright and head of the Iraqi Artists Syndicate

Qasim Sabti, visual artist and president of the Iraqi Plastic Artists Association

Mohammed Al-Attabi, poet and publisher

Omar Alawi, university professor and writer

Ashraf Al-Qarqani, poet

Lassaad Ben Hussein, writer

Zahia Guerro, University Professor

Taghreed Abdel Aal, poet

Walid Abdel Rahim, writer and director

Marwan Abdel Aal, novelist and visual artist

Antoine Boulad, poet

Nayrouz Suleiman Jubaili, poet

Amal Andre, writer

Michel Seer, poet

Mustafa Al-Asar. Journalist and writer

Qasim Mansour, actor

Raneem Zaher, poet

Amer al-Tayeb, poet

Bashir Shalash, poet and publisher

Muhammad Shehadeh, poet

Hassan Al-Zein, writer and journalist

Darwish Shamaa, Plastic Artist

Mohammed Alloush, Lebanese

Randa Ghajar, Lebanese curator

Safaa Iskandar, poet and visual artist

Ghada Al Zoghbi, Plastic Artist

Mohammad Alhadi Omari author

Amina Zureik, novelist and publisher

Nader Al-Hamami, university professor and writer

Nazem Ben Ibrahim, writer, poet and translator

Jamal Jelassi, translator and poet

Sharif Hassan Boughzil, poet

Abd Alhaleem Almasoudi Writer and critic

Mohammed Hussein Poet and writer

Adel Maizi, poet

Waleed Ahmed Fershishi, translator and novelist

um al-Zein Benchikha al-Meskini, novelist and poet

Saad al-Yasiri, poet

Mohammed Al-Attabi, poet and publisher

Muhammad Ali Al-Dangli, poet

Muhammad Al-Ghazal Al-Kathiri, poet

Abderrazak Boukba, poet and journalist

Zine El Abidine Fouad, poet

Abderrahmane Lahi, film director

Nabil Abdel Fattah, researcher and writer

Rachid Moumani, poet

Najib Khadari, poet

Abderrahmane Tankoul, critic

Khaled Belkacem, critic

Soraya Majdoulin, poet

Nabil Mansar, critic

Hassan Makhfi, critic

Munir Sarhani, poet

Abd al-Salam al-Musawi, poet

Fouad Shardoudi, poet and visual artist

Jamal Amash, poet

Noureddine Zouitni, poet and translator

Khaled Raissouni, poet

Aziz Azghai, poet

Ahmed Lamsieh, poet

Dalila Fakhri, poet

Adel Lotfi, poet

Maimon Ghazi, poet

Bouazza Sana’awi, poet

Abdelaziz Boumshouli, critic

Sharafeddine Majdoulin, critic

Sabah Bendaoud, poet

Aziz Al-Husseini, poet

Hassan Al Bakkali, storyteller

Mohammed Al-Bakri, critic

Abdellatif Didouche, poet

Said Benfarhi, writer

Imad El Wardani, Writer

Maysoon Al-Suwaidan, poet

Hassan Belaoui, Writer

Ismail Ait Yedder, poet

Abdelkader Alami, writer and civic activist

Abdelaziz Amziane, poet

Mohammed Al-Shayeb, storyteller

Almustafa Kleiti – storyteller

Mohammed Shweikeh, storyteller and writer

Yasen Al-Harraq, poet

Fawzia Benyoub Al-Wadie, civil society activist

Mohammed Al-Laghafi, poet

Mohamed Abdellawi, civil society activist

Mohamed Majdoub, civil activist

Mohammed Khuraisi, Researcher

Karim Kishori, poet

High Eyed, Critic and Academic

Al-Bashir Al-Azmi, storyteller and novelist

Sharifa Hawat, civil society activist

Allal Al-Hajam, poet

Khalil Al-Damoun, writer

Ahmed Al-Luwaizi, Writer

Mohamed Moatassim, writer and journalist

Ahmed Ben Ismail, Photographer

Habib Benmalek, civil activist

Ahmed Benmimoun, poet

Ahmed Al Iraqi, Journalist

Mohamed Amin Benyoub, playwright

Ahmed Hamid, civic activist

Hamida Balbali, poet

Omar Belhassen, poet

Saleh Labrenny, poet

Bensalah Hafiza, civil society activist

Mohammed Al-Sharki, Writer

Idris Maqbool, writer

Mohammad Bahjaji, writer and theater critic

Al-Motamed Al-Kharraz, poet and critic

Ahmed Al-Qaswar, Writer

Muhammad Hajji Muhammad, poet and translator

Ali Darwish, storyteller

Amer Sultan, novelist

Bahaa Rahal, novelist

Sanabel Qanu, poet

Asma Barakat, novelist

Mohamed Daqqa, poet

Abdel Fattah Dawla, novelist

Razan Al-Murshid, researcher and publisher

Ahmed Mohamed Zayed, poet

Muhammad Abdul Sattar, the shower is a poet

Ahmed Al-Khamisi, storyteller and writer

Nabil Markos, writer and researcher

Ihab Al-Beshbishi, poet

Mohamed Bouayadi, Writer

RW0hQ4PqeH6FAp71tt%@2E@*Nawaf Al-Qadimi, writer and publisher

Saeed Associate, Writer

Muhammad Aberkan, poet

Muhammad al-Yahyai, novelist.

Abdel Fattah Madi, researcher.

Muhammad Tolba Radwan, Writer

Mehdi Mansour, poet

Amin Al-Nawari, poet and translator


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July 29, 2024

Justice for Sonya Massey! Indict racist police!

The world is appalled at the bodycam footage released on July 22 of the police…

July 28, 2024