April 9 meeting to honor Mary Pinotti-Kaessinger

A virtual meeting will be held to honor Mary Pinotti-Kaessinger, Revolutionary, Disability Justice and Rights Fighter, Labor Organizer — Rest in power! 

The Disability Justice and Rights Caucus of Workers World Party (DJRC) is hosting its monthly 2nd Sunday Dialogue, April 9 at 7:00 p.m. EDT, to honor Mary and to show videos of Mary’s speaking and leading protests. You are invited, whether or not you have a disability, to learn more about this magnificent leader of our caucus, who passed away March 14. 

To receive more information or to receive the zoom link for the April 9 meeting or to contribute your comments about Mary to “Reminiscences of Mary Pinotti-Kaessinger,” which the DJRC is compiling, please email

Read about our caucus in Workers World:

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