Oakland Education Association resolution: Fund education and health care not U.S. Wars! Disband NATO!

This resolution was passed by the Oakland Education Association Representatives Council Jan. 9, Oakland, California.

Join the protest Sunday, Jan. 22, 1 p.m., Lake Merritt Columns, Oakland.

Whereas, the U.S. government has budgeted more than $1.7 billion on the U.S. military and wars around the world, rather than investing in education, health care and jobs for working people;

Whereas, NATO continues its dangerous and unsanctioned expansion into Eastern Europe, and the U.S. has provided nearly $28 billion in military aid for Ukraine so far in 2022-23;

Whereas, climate catastrophic events impacting working people in the U.S. call into question the safety of our very infrastructure and will need the infusion of massive funding to repair;

Whereas, the United National Antiwar Coalition has designated a week of action, Jan. 13-22, 2023, dedicated to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s opposition to all U.S. militarism and war;

Whereas, UNAC-Bay Area has called for an action on Sunday, Jan. 22, 1 p.m. in Oakland, at the Lake Merritt Columns, with these demands: Stop U.S. wars; Money for human needs, jobs, education, health care and the environment; Not one more penny for war in Ukraine; and Disband NATO;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the Oakland Education Association joins the Oakland UNAC action and endorses the Jan. 22 protest. Further, the OEA urges its membership to form and join a contingent for the march.

Presented by Judy Greenspan, Substitute Representative, and seconded by Mary Prophet, Substitute Representative.

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