STOP U.S. Wars: MLK Week of Actions Jan. 13-22 

This lightly edited call to action is from the United National Antiwar Coalition. 

“The greatest purveyor of violence in the world: my own government; I can not be silent.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., April 4, 1967

After more than 75 actions in October, we held a meeting to discuss next steps. It was decided that we should have another week of actions, and the week around Martin Luther King Day, Jan. 14-22 was proposed. So, we are moving forward organizing “STOP U.S. Wars” actions again during that week. Many organizations endorsed the October week of actions and are anxious to continue.

As Martin Luther King Jr. so correctly reminded us, the U.S. is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world. Since WWII, the U.S. has initiated more than 60 military interventions in foreign countries. The U.S./NATO proxy war in Ukraine, whose origins reside in the 2014 U.S.-backed, fascist-led coup that replaced the elected Ukrainian government, brings the U.S. in direct confrontation with a major nuclear power, as does the U.S. provocation against China over Taiwan.

It is extremely important that we build a strong, unified antiwar movement that can break through the media propaganda and censorship and end the U.S. military aggression around the world.

Each of our actions is based on building local connections among various solidarity organizations. A variety of actions are encouraged, from demonstrations, teach-ins and banner drops to chalk-ins and street meetings.

Actions linking all the continuing U.S. wars and sanctions is a unifying focus and helps break through the propaganda that saturates each war.

Today working people face escalating costs of food and energy, recession, growing insecurity and attacks on efforts to unionize. The continuing wars and military provocations have brought us to the brink of nuclear war.

Stop Washington’s war moves toward Russia and China! Stop endless wars: Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Palestine . . . everywhere! Stop U.S./NATO Wars and Sanctions! Fund human needs, not war! No to NATO!

Please start organizing now. Close to 60 organizations have endorsed the call to action. To list your action, go to:

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