Carrizo Comecrudo Tribunal for Human Rights: ‘The Indian Wars are not over’

An important online tribunal — the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribunal for Human Rights — will take place on May 22-23 and should not be missed.

The Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas is hosting this event in partnership with the Gulf Coast Center for Law and Policy. The tribunal involves “the continued attempts to erase the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas’s cultural, historical, environmental, and health significance in South Texas.”

The event can be seen live on Facebook or via Zoom from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. CDT on May 22 and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. CDT on May 23. Register at

One of the main organizers, Juan Mancias, told WW: “This tribunal is an opportunity to show how the Indian wars are not over. The only thing that has changed is the battleground — and the ammunition.”

The Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe has been involved in many struggles in Texas for decades. These struggles include fighting against three proposed LNG (liquified natural gas) export terminals located in Brownsville that will begin construction this year. These LNG sites will put the community at risk for serious health issues.

In addition, these proposed LNG sites are set to be placed in long-standing sacred sites, which is clearly a human rights violation and violation of the rights to self-determination of Indigenous people.

The Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe has also fought against the building of Trump’s racist border wall, as it too will be built on sacred land.

The announcement of the tribunal goes on to say: “This tribunal will prove that the State of Texas, LNG facilities, the City of Brownsville, and the Port of Brownsville knowingly and intentionally looted and disrupted tribal sacred sites throughout the last 70 years. These corporations have been involved in environmental, cultural, and spiritual racism by disrespecting the sacred sites of the original Native people of Texas and attempting to erase our existence for profit.”

To attend the Tribunal, visit


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