An urgent appeal to raise funds for Ramona Africa’s health care

Ramona Africa, MOVE’s Minister of Communication, a Philadelphia-based organizer with the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, and the only living survivor of the May 13, 1985, fire bombing of a MOVE home in Philadelphia, has been hospitalized as result of health complications from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

Her condition is a direct result of the on-going government war waged on the MOVE Family. They have lost 24 members to date, two dying in prison under suspicious circumstances.

Once again, Ramona Africa is battling to survive. She cannot stand or walk without assistance and urgently needs therapy before she will be ready to be released from the hospital.

Yet on Aug. 16 the hospital informed her that her insurance company would no longer be responsible for paying hospital and therapy bills, and that she will be released unless she can pay herself.

For more information and to help raise funds for Ramona Africa, use the url:

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