Olympic truce vigil in Philly

Activists held a vigil Feb. 9, the opening day of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, in front of Philadelphia City Hall. The event, called by the Coalition for Peace Action, was held to demand “Diplomacy not war” and “Support the Olympic Truce.”

Co-sponsors for the Philadelphia Candlelight Vigil for the Olympic Truce included the Brandywine Peace Community; the Coalition For Peace Action, Pennsylvania; the Germantown Friends Meeting; the Granny Philadelphia Peace Brigade; the International Action Center; the Philadelphia Committee for Peace and Justice in Asia; Physicians for Social Responsibility; Saint Joseph’s University Students Chapter; the Shalom Center; and the United Nations Association of Greater Philadelphia.

At the end of the rally, Workers World Party and the International Action Center announced a Feb. 27 forum titled, “Why Does Trump Want to Bomb Korea?” (

The 7 p.m. event at 801 S. 48 St. in Philadelphia will feature Deirdre Griswold, editor of Workers World newspaper, and Hyun Lee, managing editor of, an online resource for critical analysis on peace and democracy in Korea.

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