Chicago sex workers protest at sheriff’s office

Sex workers and supporters rallied at Chicago’s Daley Center on Dec. 17 to express outrage at the recent murder of a New York City massage parlor worker, Yang Song, by New York police. December 17 is International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, so the rally fittingly took place across the street from Sheriff Tom Dart’s office.

Dart frequently initiates stings and raids against sex workers and their clients, resulting in incarcerations, deportations, loss of income and, too often, loss of life.

Participants chanted, “Stop the raids! Justice for Yang Song!” and “Stop criminalizing working people! Stop targeting parlors!” The action was organized by Justice for Alisha Walker and the Sex Worker Outreach Project Chicago and supported by Workers World Party.

Jeff Sorel

Published by
Jeff Sorel
Tags: sex work

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