Categories: AfricaGlobal

Rallies denounce sanctions on Zimbabwe

New York, Sept. 21.

On a weekday afternoon, dozens of people demonstrated on Sept. 21 in Dag Hammarskjöld Park across from the United Nations to support Zimbabwe. At that time, Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe was speaking inside to the General Assembly.

Like Cuba, Iran, People’s Korea and Venezuela, the African country has been attacked by U.S. economic sanctions.

Under the leadership of President Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s people have retaken land stolen by European colonial settlers. Millions of acres have been turned over to those who work the land.

That bold action has inspired others in Africa and enraged the banksters of Wall Street and London. Zimbabwe refuses to be intimidated. In his speech to the General Assembly, President Mugabe called Trump “a giant gold Goliath.”

At the rally, Omowale Clay of the December 12th Movement (DC12) denounced the sanctions against Zimbabwe as a form of war and compared them to those against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Venezuela. Dr. James McIntosh of the Committee to Eliminate Media Offensive to African People (CEMOTAP) emphasized the need of oppressed people to have their own media.

D12 Chairperson Viola Plummer also spoke in defense of President Mugabe. Among other speakers was Workers World Party First Secretary Larry Holmes.

In addition to calling this action, D12 also organized a demonstration on Sept. 16 where people marched through the streets and went in support to Zimbabwe’s U.N. mission.

Johnnie Stevens

Published by
Johnnie Stevens
Tags: Zimbabwe

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