Mexican electricians send May Day solidarity

Mexican compañeras and compañeros in the United States,

Please accept fraternal greetings of ­solidarity from the Mexican Electricians Union, the SME.

We are very aware of the difficult situation that you live in that country and we want you to know that you are not alone.

There are many Mexicans organized in Resistance here in Mexico, who follow the events closely and who are launching solidarity initiatives in favor of the migrant movement. We demand that the deportations stop, that this policy of racist discrimination stop, and we also support all the initiatives that you are launching [in the U.S.] to defend yourselves against all these attacks.

We know that this May 1 there will be a big call by the migrant movements to demonstrate their rejection of these policies of exclusion and you should know that here in Mexico there will also be mobilizations commemorating International Workers Day.

And we will take up all these demands that you will raise in support of your interests and in support of a binational unity between workers and people of Mexico with the migrant population in the United States.

A fraternal embrace,
Long live the migrants’ struggle!
José Humberto Montes de Oca Luna,
International Secretary of the SME

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