Peltier clemency denied ‘but we will keep fighting’

Leonard Peltier

The following email from the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee was issued on Jan. 18.

Brothers, sisters, friends and supporters:

Our hearts are heavy today. President Obama has denied Leonard’s application for a commutation. His name appears on the Jan. 18 list of commutations denied by Obama as issued by the Office of the Pardon Attorney. Leonard’s attorney, Martin Garbus, was also notified.

Today, in an email, Leonard wrote: “If I should not [receive clemency] then after we are locked in for the day I will have a good cry and then pick myself up and get myself ready for another round of battles until I cannot fight [any] more. So, don’t worry. I can handle anything after over 40 years.”

It’s hard to bear such a blow, though. And make no mistake — Leonard has been hit hardest of all.

But let’s not mourn so very long. Instead, let’s move ever forward. Channel your grief and anger in a positive way. Remember that Leonard still needs our help. He needs quality health care and a transfer to a medium-security facility, among other things. We’ll always work towards freedom for Leonard, but these actions may help to make his life more bearable until freedom is won.

Now, we urge you to write to Leonard and help to keep his spirits up. Tell him you won’t give up, that you’ll walk the rest of the way with him. Send cards and letters to:

Leonard Peltier #89637-132, USP Coleman I
P.O. Box 1033, Coleman, FL 33521

Thank you for your hard work and determination. Blessings to all of you. Please stay tuned.

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