Para Fidel: Fidel Castro-Ruz (1926-2016): VIVA FIDEL!

Fidel Castro, father of the 1959 Cuban Revolution, has died, after 90 years of a life of rebellion and resistance. That this bold revolutionary figure lived as long as he did is itself a victory, for he outlived at least 11 assassination attempts launched by the CIA — 11 times that the U.S. government has admitted to!

As a young man, he earned a law degree, but he never practiced; he took the revolutionary path — and began a struggle against the U.S.-supported Cuban dictator, Fulgencio Batista. That struggle, which led to the fall of Batista, inspired people all around the world.

One of those inspired was the late Huey P. Newton, co-founder of the Black Panther Party, who, in a 1967 jail interview, noted: “When Fidel Castro started the Revolution, along with Che Guevara, with 12 of them altogether, they realized that they wouldn’t be able to topple the oppressive regime in Cuba. What they were essentially was an educational body. They engaged with the Army, they fought with the Army, and they showed the people that the army was not bulletproof, that the police were not bulletproof. And that Batista’s regime was not a regime that was impossible to topple, so the people began to feel their strength.”

Fidel was a friend of Malcolm X, and a lifelong friend of Africa. The racist regime of apartheid South Africa got whipped in Angola, with tens of thousands of Cuban troops in the field. The notorious battle of Cuito Cuanavale, Angola, was where South Africa saw the bloody handwriting on the wall.

Castro once said: “African blood flows in our veins. Many of our ancestors came as slaves from Africa to this land. As slaves they struggled quite a great deal. They fought as members of the liberating army of Cuba. We’re brothers and sisters of the people of Africa and we are ready to fight in their behalf.”

Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution never bowed to the U.S. empire — not once in over half a century.

The Cuban Revolution produced the finest educational system in the Caribbean and much of the world. They have sent their doctors all around the Earth.

The world mourns the passing of a giant.

Fidel Castro-Ruz, Comandante de la Revolución. ¡Presente!

Mumia Abu-Jamal (guest author)

Published by
Mumia Abu-Jamal (guest author)

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