We raise our voices against the violence of war and the enormous pressure of war propaganda, lies and hidden agendas that are used to justify this war and every past U.S. war.
We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, endorse the following Points of Unity and will work together as an Ad Hoc Coalition to help put an end to the regime change intervention by the United States, NATO and their regional allies, and the killing of innocent people in Syria:
Based on these Points of Unity, we, as individuals and organizations — in an Ad Hoc Coalition — agree on the following demands and commit ourselves to working together to help achieve them:
Only in a peaceful and independent Syria, free of foreign aggression, can the people of Syria freely exercise their sovereign rights, express their free will and make free choices about their government and their country’s leadership.
We invite all supporters of peace and peoples’ rights to self-determination around the world to join hands of cooperation in this effort to achieve these most humanitarian demands.
We need jobs, health care, education and an end to racist police violence here at home, not U.S. wars abroad!!
Initial organization signers include: Alliance for Global Justice; Al-Awda — Palestine National Right to Return Coalition; Antiwar Committee — Tucson, Tampa, Utah, Minneapolis, Chicago; Arab Americans for Syria; Arab Women Progressive League; BAYAN — Philippine Coalition; Coalition of Arab Canadian Professionals and Community Associations; Dallas Left Alliance; Ecumenical Peace Institute Clergy and Laity Concerned; Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada); International Action Center; International League of Peoples Struggle — U.S.; Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice; Mobilization Against War & Occupation — Canada; One State Assembly; Peoples Organization for Progress; Popular Committee in Defense of Syria; People’s Opposition to War, Imperialism & Racism — POWIR (Florida); Return Now Coalition; South Coast People For Peace and Justice; Southern Human Rights Organizers’ Conference; Students for a Democratic Society; Syrian American Will Association; Syrian Social Club Community in the UK (Dr. Issa Chaer, co-founder); Syria Solidarity Movement; The Expatriates Association of Syrians in Canada; United National Antiwar Coalition; Upstate New York Drone Action; U.S. Peace Council; Veterans For Peace Chapter 111, Bellingham, Wash.; Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality; Women Against Military Madness.
To add your name in support of the Hands off Syria Coalition and see also the list-in-formation, visit handsoffsyriacoalition.net.
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