Buffalo celebrates Indigenous Peoples Day and protests billionaire school board member’s sexism

Rally shouts “HELL NO, Carl Paladino! Sexism and Racism is NOT ‘normal’ at the Buffalo School Board, Oct. 12.

People from many Buffalo, N.Y., organizations and communities gathered on Oct. 10 to call for replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day. They also demanded an end to the Dakota Access Pipeline and rallied in solidarity with the resistance at Standing Rock, N.D.

People then demonstrated at the Buffalo School Board meeting on Oct. 12 against local millionaire developer and school board member Carl Paladino. Not for the first time Paladino had rushed to defend Donald Trump, this time declaring that Trump’s sexist behavior and language are something that “all men do, at least all normal men.” Community activists immediately came together to reject Paladino, and to say that his openly racist and sexist record has made it clear that he is unfit to be on the school board. Paladino was met with signs, chants and a large crowd determined to be heard rejecting his bigotry.

Ellie Dorritie

Published by
Ellie Dorritie

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