Victory to Zimbabwe!

zimbabwe0917More than 100 people marched and rallied in New York City on Sept. 17 in defense of Zimbabwe; the country’s president, Robert Gabriel Mugabe; and the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front. U.S. economic sanctions have targeted the African country since its people, led by President Mugabe, started taking over land stolen by white plantation owners in the late 1990s.

President Mugabe, the former chair of the African Union, is scheduled to address the United Nations.

The march started at Citibank’s world headquarters and went to Zimbabwe’s Mission to the United Nations to show support. Marching in military order in the streets, demonstrators finally reached the U.N. at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza.

The militant action was organized by the December 12th Movement and Friends of Zimbabwe. The People’s Organization for Progress, Universal Negro Improvement Association, African Diaspora for Development, All-African People’s Revolutionary Party and the International Action Center, among other organizations, participated in the demonstration.

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