12-year-old Tamir Rice, killed by Cleveland police officer Timothy Loehmann Nov. 22, 2014.
Taken from a Dec. 28 audio recording by prisonradio.org.
News break: Cleveland officials announce no charges to be filed in the police killing of 12-year-old Tamir Rice.
There is something shattering about the death — the killing — of a child.
When a child dies, the natural order is torn, the stars weep and the earth quakes.
We have become so accustomed to this system that we suppose it is natural, instead of a human imposition. Politicians, in the pocket of so-called police unions, bow before bags of silver, and blink away the death of a child; especially if a Black child.
What man-made institution is more precious than a child?
What job?
What so-called profession?
What office?
What state?
When a child dies, adults don’t deserve to breathe their stolen air.
When a child dies, the living must not rest until they have purged the poison that dared harm such a one.
When a child dies, time runs backward and attempts to right such a wrong.
This should inspire movements worldwide, to fight like never before.
For something vile has happened before our eyes.
A child has been killed; and in America, because it’s a Black child, it means next to nothing.
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