“We came to support Local 833 for solidarity and because we as youth demand a future, and we know unions are essential to secure that future,” said Andrea Bañuelos of Rockford FIST.
Local 833 has been on strike against the Kohler Company since Nov. 15 in a fight to end an unequal two-tier wage system where Tier B workers make at least $10 an hour less than Tier A workers for the same work. Other issues include skyrocketing health insurance costs.
The strikers continue to stand strong and are receiving labor and community support from across the world. Solidarity resolutions to Local 833 have come from various unions, including American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 526 in Milwaukee and United Steelworkers Local 8751 in Boston, as well as from such organizations as the Autoworker Caravan and the School of the Americas Watch Labor Caucus.
For more information and how to support Local 833, visit facebook.com/Local833local, facebook.com/defeatrighttowork, #kohlerstrike and wibailoutpeople.org. Supporters can send or drop off contributions, solidarity resolutions and nonperishable goods for UAW Local 833, Emil Mazey Hall, 5425 Superior Ave., Sheboygan, WI 53083.
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