Legal update to #FreeRasmeaNow
Workers World publishes this release from the Rasmea Defense Committee, Nov. 28.
Ever since her unjust conviction on Nov. 10, Rasmea Odeh has been detained in St. Clair County Jail in Port Huron, Michigan. Three days later, her attorneys filed a motion calling on Judge Gershwin Drain to release her pending sentencing scheduled for March 10, 2015.
Since our most recent update, the prosecution has filed a response to the motion, Rasmea’s lawyers have answered that filing, the National Lawyers Guild has filed its own friend of the court brief supporting Rasmea’s freedom, and hundreds of individuals and organizations from across the country have sent letters to the judge urging him to send Rasmea Odeh home.
We expect that Judge Drain will be deciding if Rasmea Odeh will be freed very soon, but are still calling on supporters to keep up the fight to #FreeRasmeaNow!
What you can do:
- Many of you have already submitted letters urging the judge to release Rasmea. We are still collecting individual and organizational letters to him. Use the sample letter and send your letters to right away.
- You have also sent letters to Rasmea, and this continues to be important. She has called her Chicago colleagues from jail a number of times, written letters, and has received a few visitors as well. Her spirits are high, and she is looking forward to the next step in the fight for justice in her case. We encourage you to continue to send letters of support to Rasmea. (Please remember that prison authorities will read all of your letters.)
Rasmieh Odeh #144979
St. Clair County Jail
1170 Michigan
Port Huron, MI 48060
For more information see