Workers World readers are familiar with the struggle that union-busting international conglomerate Veolia has imposed on United Steelworkers Local 8751 in Boston and on the frame-up of Steve Kirschbaum, chair of the union’s Grievance Committee and founder of the local.
Supporters of the union are asking workers and sympathizers from all over the country to take part in the upcoming activities to stop Veolia’s escalating war on USW 8751, Boston School Bus Drivers Union.
The first step is on Friday, Nov. 21: Call Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel Conley at 617-619-4000 or fax 617-619-4210. Tell him to drop the frame-up, anti-union felony charges against USW 8751 union leader Steve Kirschbaum. Then connect to the call-in day event page at and add a comment describing the response you got.
For those who live in the Boston area or who can be there on Monday, Nov. 24, Kirschbaum’s trial is scheduled to start at 9 a.m., Dorchester District Court, 510 Washington St., Dorchester, Mass.
To help mobilize, phone bank or distribute over the weekend about the protest at the trial, those in Boston can proceed to the IBEW Local 2222 office at 1137 Washington St., Lower Mills, Dorchester, which will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
To volunteer, email
Because of the upcoming holiday, Workers World completes the next issue two days early — just as the trial starts. To get news of the trial, visit
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