West Oakland, Calif., protests gentrification

West Oakland protests gentrificationThe Development Without Displacement Research Group held an anti-gentrification march and rally to the City of Oakland Planning Commission meeting at City Hall on June 11 in Oakland, Calif. Carrying banners reading “West Oakland 4 The People, Evict Developers” and “Swat WOSP [West Oakland Specific Plan],” the marchers began at Lil’ Bobby Hutton Park (aka DeFremery Park) in West Oakland. About 50 people marched inside, where they were met by more protesters from Causa Justa.

The group wanted to speak out against city-backed plans that prioritize development and gentrification over people and community self-determination. They held a rally on the steps leading to the Council chambers, before going inside to disrupt and build consciousness around whose interest this development serves.  Speakers included Elaine Brown, former leader of the Black Panther Party.

The commission approved the plan, despite all the speakers who spoke against it, moving the plan forward for full Council consideration.

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