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Message of congratulations from Mundo Obrero/Workers World Party in the USA to the FARC-EP on its 50th anniversary

The following message was sent from Workers World Party/Mundo Obrero to the FARC-EP of Colombia on May 23.

Comrades of the FARC-EP,

The Mundo Obrero/ Workers World Party would like to extend strong revolutionary greetings of solidarity to each and every one of the members of the revolutionary movement on the occasion of the glorious celebration of your 50th anniversary.

Half a century of relentless and continuous struggle! Half a century defending the Colombian people against the imperialist maelstrom that, with the aid of the submission of the unpatriotic oligarchy has attempted to appropriate the wealth of the country, sinking the majority of people into abject poverty! U.S. imperialism wanted to turn Colombia into a colony, based on its hostility toward progressive processes that are taking place throughout the region. But the FARC-EP has placed itself as a shield between imperialist aggression and the Colombian people.

A blow to the Colombian military, which executes and extends the reach of the Pentagon, is a blow against U.S. imperialism in its phase of capitalism at a dead end, when it wants to subject the world’s working class to a new kind of slavery. More than ever, the working class is connected internationally; the new phase of capitalism has made the world a global factory. It is for this reason, also, that it is more urgent than ever that this working class, which is the object of so many attacks, unite for the final battle against capitalism that will get rid of it once and for all and bring about that new, just and free society: socialist society.

We once again congratulate you and wish you success in the peace negotiations in Havana and urge the U.S. government to release Comrade Simón Trinidad.

Long live the struggle for socialism! Long live international solidarity! Long live the FARC-EP!

May 23, 2014
Department of International Relations
Workers World Party—Mundo Obrero


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