Workers World Party pays respect to Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap of Vietnam

The following letter was written for the opening of a Book of Condolence in honor of Senior Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, former Minister of National Defense and Commander-in-Chief of the People’s Army of Vietnam and former Permanent Deputy Prime Minister of  Vietnam, who passed away on October 4, 2013. It will be delivered to the Vietnam Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Oct. 10, 2013

Workers World Party pays our comradely and deep respect to the Vietnamese people, government and Communist Party upon the death of Comrade Vo Nguyen Giap, the great general and exemplary communist leader. His role in developing a people’s war was decisive in the liberation of Vietnam and inspired peoples and nations fighting for freedom from imperialism around the world. Those of us whose political education occurred during the U.S.-American War against Vietnam always considered Gen. Giap to be also our hero. Every victory in battle of the Vietnamese fighters, every sign that the Vietnamese would never give in to U.S. imperialism, every setback for the Pentagon, we knew was also a victory for the working class of the United States against the common enemy. We were in awe of the Vietnamese people’s determination to go on fighting whatever the hardships, whatever the sacrifices, and it made perfect sense that they chose Comrade Giap to prepare the strategy of their struggle for liberation. For the class struggle that is sure to arise in the United States, our dream is that the working class and oppressed peoples will find leaders of similar quality and resolution within their ranks. Long live the memory of Vo Nguyen Giap!

Larry Holmes, First Secretary,
for the National Committee,
Workers World Party, USA

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