Categories: U.S. and Canada

Conference plans for March on Wall Street South

City workers and allies from throughout the U.S. participate in informational picket at Charlotte City Hall Aug. 6.
WW photo: Bryan G. Pfeifer

Charlotte, N.C. — Members and supporters of the March on Wall Street South: Building People’s Power at the DNC Coalition held an all-day national organizing conference at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Aug. 11. With only three weeks left to mobilize for the coalition’s protest activities scheduled for Sept. 1-6 around the Democratic National Convention, organizers gave reportbacks, conducted workshops, made outreach plans, provided cultural presentations, developed relationships with other participants and much more. Events scheduled or supported by the coalition include the Festivaliberación Sept. 1, the major MOWSS march and rally Sept. 2, and the Southern Workers Assembly Sept. 3.

A major focus of the MOWSS coalition is to support and help build local progressive struggles in Charlotte and the entire South while mobilizing for protest activities around the DNC and continuing to build a fighting people’s movement in the South. Towards that end, at the conclusion of the conference, many participants from across the United States, including from the Carolinas, Massachusetts, Illinois, New York and Wisconsin, packed into vehicles so they could distribute MOWSS fliers throughout Charlotte neighborhoods that evening.

MOWSS weekly organizing meetings take place at the Charlotte Solidarity Center every Monday at 7 p.m. For more information and to help with organizing, contact 704-266-0362, Twitter @WallStSouth or email; go to ­; or visit the Charlotte Solidarity Center, which is open weekdays from noon to 5 p.m. at 516 E. 15th St.

Bryan G. Pfeifer

Published by
Bryan G. Pfeifer

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