By Mumia Abu-Jamal from death row
Stateless ‘state’ of Palestine
Published Jul 1, 2009 5:05 PM
From a June 15 audio column at Go to to read updates on Mumia’s case.
The presidential election of Barack Obama has so electrified the world that
expectations have swept past reality into the realm of the silly.
Some of this is surely driven by the corporate media, which no longer covers
the news, but engages in what might be called “pre-news”—as
it tends to predict what will or may happen—the better to not be scooped
by competitors. And as news makes its hard turn to opinion, it sometimes builds
up Obama as a world leader, in ways that are simply unreasonable.
This was seen in the run-up to the Iranian presidential elections, where news
coverage all but predicted the election of opposition candidate, Mir-Hossein
Mousavi, and the fall of the irascible Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The result
predicted, talking heads opined about the global influence of Obama over the
elections. As for stolen elections, did millions of Americans take to the
streets to protest the stolen elections here in 2000?
Similarly, much news coverage centered on Obama’s hard line on the
Israelis, as in his Cairo address when he called for a freeze in
So slanted is U.S. policy toward Israel that a halt in construction in illegal
settlements is seen as somehow “hard line.”
For their part, Israeli right-wingers, many supporters of newly elected
president Binyamin Netanyahu, have postered Tel Aviv with images of Obama
wearing an Arab headdress (known as a kaffiyeh), emblazoned with the words
“Jew Hater” and “Anti-Semite” in English and Hebrew (an
allusion to his Muslim name and family background).
To “freeze” a situation that is fundamentally unjust is to preserve
the status quo—a state of affairs that leaves the Palestinian people in
an unjust and untenable situation.
On top of that, Netanyahu recently announced an essential rejection of
Obama’s “freeze” and an alleged support of the establishment
of a Palestinian state—albeit a demilitarized one, with foreign affairs
to be overseen by Israel.
This is a state only in the sense that the old South African Bantustans were
independent territories; that is to say, not at all.
The Palestinians have had their best lands seized and Swiss-cheesed by
settlements; their parliament has been cast into prison; their water is
rationed; and their homes have been bulldozed, all while Western leaders crow
about a “peace process” that is, ultimately, a freeze in
Meanwhile, Israel, not only the most powerful military in the region, but an
undeclared nuclear-armed state, accepts the idea of a Palestinian state but
only if demilitarized—and this is seen as progress!
Order Mumia Abu-Jamal’s book,
‘Jailhouse Lawyers: Prisoners
Defending Prisoners v. the USA,’
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