Anti-militarist opponents cheer Czech PM’s ouster
David Hoskins
Published Apr 5, 2009 9:52 PM
When Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek resigned, opponents of the U.S.
anti-missile radar base cheered. Topolanek’s right-wing government lost a
March 24 parliamentary no confidence vote following his controversial comments
about U.S.-style economic stimulus plans being “the road to
Many view the no confidence vote as a rebuttal of Topolanek’s handling of
the economy, especially in his role as rotating president of the European
Union. Nevertheless, anti-militarist activists around the world who opposed the
U.S. radar base welcomed his ouster.
Topolanek had already pulled back on a vote on the planned U.S. radar treaty
out of fear that the opposition Communists and Social Democrats would vote it
down in parliament. Topolanek had been a strong supporter of a Bush
administration plan to deploy a missile defense system in Europe that would
essentially threaten Russia. The Czech Republic was to host U.S. missile
defense radar as part of that plan.
U.S. troops would have to be stationed on Czech soil to operate the radar base.
That point in particular has been a lightning rod for criticism.
Czech hostility to the radar runs deep. Polls show some two-thirds of Czechs
have consistently opposed it since the plan was first introduced in 2006. Czech
groups such as the No Bases Initiative played an active role in opposing the
radar for more than two years.
U.S. groups such as the International Action Center and the Campaign for Peace
and Democracy (CPD) have supported the Czech anti-radar movement. The CPD has
opposed the radar base with public statements, open letters, demonstrations and
hunger strikes.
The Bush plan intended to complement the Czech radar base with 10 missile
interceptors in Poland. The planned missile defense system follows more than a
decade of rapid expansion of the U.S.-dominated NATO military alliance into the
former socialist bloc countries of Eastern Europe.
This major setback for the Pentagon’s radar plans does not mean that the
radar base is completely off the table. It is possible that Topolanek and his
Civic Democrats party could retake control in the future. Czech rules allow for
the scheduling of early elections if three attempts to form a new majority
coalition in the parliament fail.
It is possible that Topolanek could prevail at the polls in that event. But the
former prime minister has an uphill battle. Many ordinary Czechs oppose his
response to the economic crisis and his support of the radar base.
It has been difficult to get a clear read of the position of President Barack
Obama’s administration on the plans to put these missile bases in Eastern
Europe. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton recently sought to
reassure the Polish government that the U.S. government would continue to press
for NATO expansion in Poland. Clinton refused to state a clear position on the
Obama administration’s missile defense plans.
NATO’s expansion and the planned missile defense system are part of
Washington’s drive to isolate Russia and prevent Moscow from forming a
rival economic or military bloc in Europe, even a capitalist bloc. NATO’s
presence is also intended to support the pro-capitalist, rightist regimes,
which are beginning to arouse working-class resentment at the loss of jobs and
social benefits.
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