GI resistance grows, active & AWOL
John Catalinotto
Published Nov 17, 2006 11:43 PM
If the reaction of some active-duty and veteran GIs is any
indication, the movement inside the U.S. military of resistance
to the occupation of Iraq is not sitting back and waiting for
Congress to stop the war. They are continuing to organize and
Workers World spoke with Navy Seaman Jonathan Hutto, based in
Norfolk, Va., who is a key organizer of the “Appeal for
Redress.” This is a petition meant for active-duty GIs that
expresses their dissent over the continued occupation of
For Hutto, born and raised in Atlanta and reared on stories of
the civil rights movement, Nov. 13 was a big day. “They
began work today on the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial,”
he said. “I am moved by this, by King taking a place where
there are memorials to Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson. Theirs
were dedicated to presidents. King’s is dedicated to
justice and peace.
“That’s the vein in which we want to present this
appeal,” the 29-year-old Howard University graduate
continued. “Not as military members breaking a law, but
upholding our duty to participate in democracy. We will affirm
that duty and that right.”
Legal right to appeal
Hutto asserted: “To those who say military members cannot
speak, I say that only under a fascist dictatorship could people
be stopped from raising their voices. As children growing up we
studied the history of the Freedom Rides. The Supreme Court said
segregation was illegal. The Freedom Riders said,
‘We’re going to ride these buses integrated.’
We in the armed forces also have the legal right to appeal to
Congress without being punished.”
The appeal, which can be found and signed by GIs at, reads: “As a patriotic American
proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my
political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of
all American military forces and bases from Iraq. Staying in Iraq
will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S.
troops to come home.”
Hutto says that GIs in the United States but also those stationed
in Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Germany, Italy and Japan have signed
the petition. The organizers are going through the names
carefully and have confirmed 700 active-duty GIs. They hope to
collect at least 2,000 before presenting them to Congress.
Asked about the impact of the recent elections, Hutto said:
“In terms of the cause of the ‘thumping,’ Iraq
was the number one issue on people’s minds. The vote was a
result of people’s feelings about the occupation. They want
change. They see that the war is draining tax dollars and people
out of their communities. Many of their youths are killed, even
more severely mangled and disfigured. The advance of technology
and body armor saves lives, but the troops come back with
injuries that will wreck their lives.
“I see myself as a human rights defender,” Hutto
said. “We have to point out the overwhelming destruction of
the Iraqi people. A Johns Hopkins report said 650,000 were
killed. It’s no wonder life is dangerous there for U.S.
troops. Sixty-one percent of Iraqi people said they support the
killing of U.S. soldiers. That’s because the service member
is an occupier. The Iraqis don’t see the occupation as
something that brought health care or jobs to their
Return from Canada
Some of the GIs who went AWOL and lived in Canada for a year or
more have now decided to return to the United States, even if it
means facing punishment. One of them, Iraq war veteran and war
resister Darrell Anderson, turned himself in at Fort Knox, Ky.,
on Oct. 3, ready to struggle if the Army put him on trial. But
Anderson was released three days later and expects an
“other than honorable” discharge without facing court
Vietnam-era veteran Gerry Condon, who helps organize support for
those GIs who are taking refuge in Canada, told WW that Anderson,
who is from Lexington, Ky., expects to play a role in the
movement of Iraq war veterans who speak out against the
occupation. Condon was in Chicago with AWOL GI Kyle Snyder
attending anti-war events. Snyder had gone on leave directly from
Iraq after he witnessed U.S. soldiers shoot an innocent man in
Mosul, in Iraq’s north.
Snyder stayed in western Canada for over a year, then, like
Anderson, decided to return to the United States. The Army at
first told him they would quickly discharge him, as they did with
Anderson, but they reneged after they found out Snyder’s
unit was again scheduled to be sent to Iraq, for the third time.
Now Snyder is speaking out against the occupation.
On the “Democracy Now!” radio program earlier this
month, Snyder had this message for GIs in Iraq: “If you
feel that you’re doing the wrong thing, please speak out.
[T]he GI resistance is very important in changing the politics of
this country right now. And I feel that as GIs start coming out,
that’s what’s going to stop this war, and
that’s the only thing that’s going to stop this
Lt. Ehren Watada
There is news on another resister, Lt. Ehren Watada, who began
speaking out against the war last spring and turned himself in at
Fort Lewis, Wash., after refusing to go to Iraq. Political
charges of “contempt towards the president” were
dropped Nov. 11, but Watada is to be court-martialed for
“missing movement” (article 87 of the Uniform Code of
Military Justice) and multiple counts of “conduct
unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.” The trial is
expected in early 2007.
Commenting on the elections, Watada said: “I think as the
recent elections show more and more Americans are opening their
eyes, but we aren’t there yet. I hope that actions such as
mine will continue to help expose the truth behind the
fundamental illegality and immorality of the war.”
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