Ossie Davis
Remembering a great actor & activist
Monica Moorehead
Published Feb 13, 2005 8:15 PM
Ossie Davis, who passed away on Feb. 4 at the age
of 87, was one of the greatest performing artists of the 20th century, or of any
other century.
Ossie Davis (center) with Larry Holmes, Monica Moorehead, Pat Chin and Teresa Gutierrez backstage during the Truth Behind the Coup in Haiti rally at Brooklyn College, April 2004.
Born in Cogdell, Ga., Davis attended Washington, D.C.'s
historic African American college, Howard University, where he met the great
Harlem Renaissance writers Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen.
the legendary opera singer Marian Anderson perform at the Lincoln Memorial in
1939 had a great social impact on Davis's life. Anderson, who was African
American, was forced at the very last moment to change her venue after being
barred from Constitution Hall by the Daughters of the Confederacy.
and Ruby Dee, his life partner for almost 60 years, began their stage
collaboration in the 1940s in Harlem with the Rose McClendon Players. As they
moved from the stage to film and television, they helped to tear down some of
the racist barriers put up by the white-dominated Hollywood establishment. The
two accomplished this by resisting the degrading and stereotypical roles offered
to Black actors during those years.
As distinguished as Davis's career
has been, he never became a Hollywood star in a traditional sense. This was true
for the vast majority of Black actors. This marginalization is rooted in the
racism of Hollywood and the entire U.S. entertainment industry. Although
Broadway shows did dim their marquees briefly on Feb. 4 in tribute to Davis,
television programs like "Entertainment Tonight" mentioned Davis's death in less
than 3 minutes, compared to a whole week of coverage on the death of Johnny
Nevertheless, Ossie Davis has received more publicity with his
death than when he was living--because he was an unwavering social activist. He
and Dee risked losing their careers early on when they came under an
anti-communist attack. It was because they supported the powerful African
American actor, singer and social activist Paul Robeson. Robeson was victimized
by the witch hunt during the 1950s and was forced to leave the U.S. because of
it. This did not prevent him from performing all over the world, including
Wales, China and the former Soviet Union, where he was beloved.
Davis and
Dee were avid supporters of the U.S. civil rights movement and close friends
with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The actors helped to facilitate the rally at the
historic 1963 March on Washington where Dr. King made his famous "I Have a
Dream" speech.
During that rebellious period of the 1960s, Davis became a
good friend of Malcolm X, who also came under a vicious racist attack by the
U.S. government for advocating Black pride and the right to self-defense. It was
Davis who gave the moving eulogy at the funeral of Malcolm X in 1965. (See
accompanying article.)
Even during times of political reaction, Davis
supported many progressive causes until his death. For instance, when it came to
supporting a new trial for African American revolutionary journalist Mumia
Abu-Jamal, still on death row, Ossie Davis was always there front and center.
Davis spoke at the "Evening of Justice for Mumia" rally Feb. 26, 1999, at Town
Hall in New York to promote the Millions for Mumia march in Philadelphia that
April 24, Mumia's birthday.
A year later, on May 7, Davis spoke at the "A
Day for Mumia" rally before 6,000 people inside the Madison Square Garden
Theater. Also participating were actor Ed Asner, hip-hop artist Mos Def,
attorney Johnnie Cochran, former New York Mayor David Dinkins and many
Davis also actively opposed U.S. imperialist intervention around the
globe. When asked to lend his voice to an April 7, 2004, rally to help bring
broader attention to the U.S. role in the coup-napping of Haitian President
Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Ossie Davis did not hesitate to say yes, along with
Congresswoman Maxine Waters.
Before a packed auditorium of mainly
Haitians at Brooklyn College, Davis read a moving rendition of the 1893 speech
on the impact of the 1804 Haitian revolution worldwide given by Frederick
Douglass, the former slave who became the first U.S. Ambassador to Haiti.
Davis openly opposed the first Gulf War against Iraq in 1991 and the
present U.S. war and occupation of Iraq. He worked consistently on these
activities and others with organizations such as the International Action Center
in New York. The IAC issued a statement on Davis's passing
Another great artist and activist, Harry Belafonte, fought
back tears at a press conference after Davis's death. Belafonte compared his
friend to Dr. King, Malcolm X, Paul Robeson, W.E.B. DuBois and Fanny Lou Hamer.
These comparisons help describe a great humanitarian who never separated his
artistry from the struggle to liberate humanity from war and oppression. This is
the legacy that Ossie Davis leaves behind for the movement today and for future
struggles to come.
The writer appeared with Ossie Davis on ABC's "Like
It Is" with Gil Noble in 2000 to help promote the Mumia Abu-Jamal rally at
Madison Square Garden Theater.
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