Racism & sexism: Major pillars of the crisis in the U.S. trade union movement
Clarence Thomas and Saladin Muhammad
Published Jul 28, 2005 8:54 PM
Clarence Thomas, center
and Saladin Muhammad, right at Black Workers for Justice event
in Raleigh, N.C., April 3.
Black workers make up 30
percent of the total union membership in the AFL-CIO. People of color and women
workers are a large percentage of the membership of the non-affiliated
“independent unions.”
Yet, despite the major divisions among
workers caused by institutionalized racism and gender discrimination that weaken
the unity of workers and the power of the trade unions, the struggles against
racism and sexism in the labor movement are not taken up as priorities. Nor are
they viewed by either camp reflecting the current major divisions within the
AFL-CIO as major sources of labor’s crisis.
Racism and sexism have
been the two major pillars of business unionism. They are fundamental to the
lack of rank-and-file union democracy and to labor’s weakness in
organizing the unorganized, especially in the U.S. South. Labor’s greatest
compromises with capital have been around issues of improving conditions of
wages, training, promotions and job classifications for Blacks, workers of color
and women workers.
The failure to organize the South, a low-wage region
which has been used historically by the corporations to force billions in
concessions from organized workers and tax abatements from cities and states
throughout the country by their threat of plant closings and runaway shops to
the South, stands out as a major indictment of labor’s failure to struggle
against racism.
Organizing labor in the South, especially during the 1950s
and 1960s, meant taking on the struggle against legal segregation and white
supremacy. It meant aligning with the Black civil rights movement and broadening
the character of labor organizing and representation from being a narrow
economic movement to a movement for social and economic justice.
even with the employer and government offensive against labor, too few labor
leaders have been willing to acknow ledge the issue of white supremacy, racism
and sexism in and outside of the unions. They have not addressed the policies
and practices of organized labor that perpetuate the lingering and crippling
effects of institutional racism. How can labor defend against corporate-driven
attacks when its ranks can easily be divided against itself?
Workers of Color, Women and Oppressed Groups Must Have Democracy and Power to
Drive and Guide Labor’s Structural Changes!
The struggles
against racism on the job and in the unions had to be pushed forward by
organizations of Black workers. This has been true beginning with the formation
of the Colored National Labor Union in 1869, which called for the “Unity
of workers without regard to color”; the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car
Porters in the 1920s, who led the call for a March on Washington in the 1940s
against racism in the defense industries; the National Negro Labor Congress in
the 1950s; the League of Revolutionary Black Workers; and DRUM in the Detroit
auto plants in the 1960s, who called for Black workers to take the lead; the
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists in the 1970s, calling for Black leadership at
the highest levels of the unions; and Black Workers For Justice in the 1980s,
calling for Organizing the South.
These struggles were able to bring about
some changes in labor, including the election and appointments of a few Blacks
to leadership positions and the recognition by the AFL-CIO of Black and other
constituent groups which they sought to control and direct as top-down
organizations loyal to labor’s bureaucracy.
Today, as the AFL-CIO
faces a major split in its ranks, the main proposals for restructuring and
solving labor’s “crisis” indicate that the organization and
representation of Blacks and other worker constituency groups are no longer
needed to strengthen the labor movement. This is a direct signal to the bosses
that once again labor is willing to sacrifice and compromise around the
interests of Blacks, Hispanics (or Latin@s), women and other workers of color.
Representation of constituency organizations in the AFL-CIO must be
defended. However, “diversity” without the empowerment of Black
workers and other constituency workers cannot challenge the racism and sexism in
the trade unions or be a force to push forward the trade unions in struggling
against the racism and sexism of the employers. Black workers and other
constituencies must be empowered from the bottom as well as the top to struggle
against racism, sexism and all the other forms of discrimination.
government and corporate attacks on labor during the Reagan period expos ed the
tremendous weaknesses in U.S. labor’s solidarity. This contributed to
business unionism’s acceptance of labor-management cooperation and
increased support and funding for the Democratic Party as an alternative to a
rank-and-file fight-back movement based in national and international labor
Black workers and the Black-led poor people’s movements
have called on labor to unite with them in a fight-back movement against
corporate and government attacks. Labor has constantly rejected those calls for
In 1967, Dr. King called on the leadership of the AFL-CIO to
support the Poor People’s Campaign (PPC). While some local unions and a
couple of national unions endorsed the PPC, the AFL-CIO refused to endorse it.
King saw the Poor People’s Campaign as becoming a focal point of a
Black-Labor Alliance linking the struggle of unionized workers with the struggle
to organize the unorganized in the South; to help increase the power of Black
people to demand enforcement of the right to vote and other civil rights that
were won during the 1960s benefiting women and other sectors of the working
In 1995, when close to 2 million Black people, largely working
class, came to Wash ing ton, D.C, for the Million Man March, labor refused to
support Black workers in raising their working class demands at the March.
Today, labor continues its history of trying to solve its crises without
a fight-back movement. The AFL-CIO’s opposition to support the Million
Worker March in 2004, once again sends a message to the corporate rulers, that
labor-management cooperation and collaboration with the two corporate parties,
including U.S. foreign policy of war and empire, is at the heart of
labor’s strategy for survival and “growth.”
Rank-and-file democracy
The union movement is rooted in the
principle that the trade union leaders can only take action based on the mandate
from the workers. Trade unionism is about accountability. The proposals
outlining the main directions addressing the crisis of labor have not come from
the rank and file; and certainly not from Black workers and others hardest hit
by the demands and conditions of the employers.
The current leadership is
in denial as to the importance of confronting racism and acknowledging the
important role Blacks have played and continue to play in the trade union
movement. When organizing efforts involve a large number of Black work ers,
history has proven there’s a greater likelihood of success. This begs the
question, why doesn’t labor officialdom utilize Black trade unionists for
Organized labor needs greater unity, strength and independence
at a time when the corporations wield unprecedented power and influence in both
political parties. Blacks, workers of color, women and oppressed groups are
essential in building the labor movement in the 21st century.
If we want
to build a real fight-back movement that challenges the abuse of capital and
mobilizes the rank-and-file to fully participate in resolving labor’s
problems, we call on labor to build on the efforts of the Million Worker
Million Worker March Mobilization
Union members from
across the United States and Haiti, Japan and South Africa gathered at the steps
of the Lincoln Memorial on Oct. 17, 2004, making a passionate call for
workers’ rights. Thousands stood at the foot of the Memorial and alongside
of the Reflecting Pool calling for: universal health care; protection of social
security and pensions; a right to strike without replacement; an end to the war
in Iraq; repealing corporate free trade agreements; a national living wage;
stopping the dismantling of public education; stopping off-shore North American
jobs; amnesty for all undocumented workers; slashing the military budget; tax
release for the working class; preserving and restoring the environment;
enforcement of all civil rights; stopping corporate greed, and repealing the
The active support and endorsement of Black, Hispanic and
Latin@ workers’ organizations—from the Coalition of Black Trade
Unionists, the Teamsters National Black Caucus, Black Workers
For Justice,
the Immigrant Rights Associ ation and the Farm Labor Orga nizing Committee-play
ed a leading role in the mobilization.
The March was initiated by the
International Long shore and Ware house Union (ILWU), Local 10 in San Fran
cisco. Local 10 is the most racially diverse Longshore local on the West Coast.
It was also the local of the legendary labor leader, ILWU founder and human
rights activist, Harry Bridges. Brother Bridges was in the vanguard of all North
American trade union leaders of his generation on the ques tion of race. Brother
Bridges said “discrimination is a tool of the bosses.” He wrote in
ILWU’s newspaper, the Dispat cher, on February 15, 1938, which featured a
series of articles on “The Economics of Prejudice”:
“Prejudice means profit for the Boss. … For the
worker—Black and White—it means lower living standards, humiliation,
violence, often death.”
Thomas and Muhammad are leaders of the
MWMM. Thomas is also an executive board member of Local 10, ILWU, and Muhammad
is national chairperson of Black Workers For Justice based in Raleigh, N.C. This
statement was
distributed in Chicago at the July 23 “National
Summit on Diversity in Our Union Movement: A Voice for Every Worker,”
sponsored by the AFL-CIO and Labor Coalition for Community Action. Thomas,
national co-chair of the MWMM, presented it to both AFL-CIO President John
Sweeney and Secretary-Treasurer Richard Trumpka. Thomas also presented Sweeney
with the official Oct. 17, 2004, MWM rally DVD.
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