Recruiters face resistance
LeiLani Dowell
New York
Published Mar 16, 2005 4:30 PM
Young people from New York
to California, in colleges and high schools, are stepping up their efforts to
stop the Pentagon from using the economic draft to lure their fellow students
into the war machine.
Police assaulted and arrested three students at the
City College of New York March 9 for peacefully protesting the presence of
military recruiters at the school’s career fair. Hospital records of two
of the protesters, Nick Bergreen and Justino Rodriguez, show that they suffered
multiple contusions and post-concussion syndrome from the incident.
days later, the third protester, senior Hadas Thier, received notice that she
had been suspended from CCNY and barred from setting foot on campus for
“posing a continuing danger.”
That same day, CCNY police
charged into the office of a CCNY staff member, Carol Lang, and arrested her on
the charge of second-degree assault, as well as disorderly conduct and
obstructing governmental administration, in connection with the protest. She was
held in jail overnight.
CCNY Psychology Professor Bill Crain said of
Lang’s arrest: “The arrest of a staff member in his or her office is
almost unheard of ... . The security forces are out of control, creating an
atmosphere of fear and intimidation. Rational discussion with the administration
has become very difficult.”
In an effort to increase that same fear
and intimidation of dissent, the college president sent an email to the entire
faculty and student body listing unfounded allegations against the
The incident at CCNY follows the March 3 arrest of a student at
William Paterson University for handing out leaflets opposing military
recruitment. Both incidents indicate the desperation of military recruiters at a
time of heightened resistance—in Iraq and on campuses and communities in
the United States—as well as school administrators’ collusion with
the state to prevent such counter-recruiting.
A statement by protest
organizers at CCNY reads, “Together, the actions of the security guards,
the City of New York, and the CCNY administration have served to stifle dissent
and create a climate of intimidation.”
FIST, No Draft No Way call
March 31 actions
The youth organization FIST-Fight Imperialism, Stand
Together—issued a statement the day of the initial CCNY arrests: “As
the U.S. military faces shortages in new recruits-due to the resistance of youth
to become cannon fodder for an imperialist war of conquest—it is stepping
up its efforts to entrap youth in the military machine.... This only makes our
work as counter-recruiters all the more necessary.
“FIST vows to
continue fighting to end the military-industrial complex in its entirety, and
applauds all involved in the effort. In addition, we will continue to fight the
repression of political dissent on our campuses and on the
With recruiting levels in serious decline, the armed
forces’ increasing inability to meet their quotas through the economic
draft, and an imperialist policy that threatens more wars of aggression to come,
the threat of an “involuntary” draft looms. However, a movement is
steadily growing to stop the draft before it starts.
FIST and the
anti-draft group No Draft No Way have both issued calls for local actions across
the country on March 31. On that day, the Selective Service System is to report
to President George W. Bush that it is ready to implement the draft within 75
According to the No Draft No Way call: “Right now, the SSS is
staffing local draft boards, training volunteer registrars to work on high
school and college campuses, and streamlining its induction process. They have
also gained access to the Department of Education’s computer files, to
ensure maximum registration. It is clear that the Bush administration is
preparing for a draft.”
Connecting the lack of options for
working-class youths in the United States with military recruitment, the
statement continues: “The same young people that Bush wants to use to
fight his wars are finding it harder to pay for their education, find jobs that
pay a living wage, or obtain the basic necessities, like health care or
affordable housing. It is time for young people, who are already under attack
from the Bush administration, to take a stand.”
Knowing that the
return of a draft will result in an even greater outcry of resistance, members
of Congress are scrambling to introduce bills to entice and keep more recruits
in the military. A bill introduced March 14 would increase education benefits
under the GI Bill, and would eliminate the $1,200 contribution troops now have
to pay to sign up for the program.
Another bill, dubbed the
“Military Readiness Enhancement Act,” seeks to do away with the
“don’t ask, don’t tell” policy instituted during the
Clinton administration - not because it discriminates against gays and lesbians,
but because it wastes money and the skills of those recruits who are kicked
Yet these stopgap solutions won’t solve the Pentagon’s
crisis. According to a study by a group called Gfk Custom Research, the risks of
military services “are perceived to far outweigh the rewards for the vast
majority of youth.” And the chair of the House Armed Services
Committee’s military personnel panel has said he sees the recruiting
problem “getting progressively worse before it gets better.” (
Counter-recruiters win some
counter-recruiters continue to successfully win battles against recruiters on
their campuses. In San Francisco, protesters with Students Against War were able
to force recruiters to leave an hour early from that school’s career fair.
A protester told the school paper, “They realized that we weren’t
going anywhere and they weren’t going to recruit anyone, so they
Other organizations, whose recruitment efforts were also
hampered by the protest, said they would “ask more questions” before
paying to attend the job fair again. If enough organizations end up complaining
about the protests, it might make the administration think again about having
the recruiters at future career fairs.
In Bloomington, Minn., students at
Kennedy High School won the right to set up a counter-recruitment table next to
the military recruiters’ table, despite threats by the American Legion to
pull funding from the school. In a commentary posted on the Pulse of the Twin
Cities website, students Brandon Madsen and Matt Johnson described their first
action: “The recrui ters’ table was abandoned. Meanwhile, our table
was mobbed by hundreds of interested students who asked questions, signed
petitions, took fliers and pamphlets, and discussed politics. By the end of the
day we collected 120 signatures for the petition against recruiters being
allowed to invade our school. Over 100 more signed in the following
The students explained: “It is essential that we stand
up and take action against military recruiters. The entire U.S. war machine
relies on the willingness of young people to join the military and carry out the
imperialist policies ordered by corrupt politicians. If we build a mass movement
of young people against the war that exposes the lies of Bush and the military
recruiters, the military will be unable to guarantee a stable supply of youth to
use as cannon fodder.
“We can’t count on the government or our
school administrators to stop military recruiters from spreading their lies. We
need to take it upon ourselves to educate and organize our fellow students, and
to make our schools off-limits to recruiters. If every time they show up we
provide an overwhelmingly unwelcome environment, they will simply stop coming.
Already at Kennedy, in stark contrast to the six to 10 recruiters who usually
show up, only one came this time.”
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